Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

He was going to kill if someone didn't start explaining soon.

"I believe I asked a simple question."

Ethan's gaze stayed fixed on Erin who stood with her eyes shut, rubbing her temple. His eyes flicked over her tussled hair, the flush of color on her cheeks; sliding down to the swell of her breasts beneath the t-shirt and finally down to the point where the shirt ended mid-thigh, revealing creamy, supple skin and shapely legs.

Had those legs - the same ones that had been wrapped around his waist while he pleasured her- had they been locked around her lover's waist only a few minutes ago?

Had she screamed out his name as she came?

The possible answer elicited a growl from him, his hands clenching into fists as Ethan struggled to hold his temper in check.

The urge to drive his fist into someone's face was strong within him, fury threatening to explode out of control.

His gaze slid over the blond haired man clad in a towel, who stood behind Erin. There was something about the guy that struck Ethan as vaguely familiar; as though he's seen him somewhere before, but right now, anger and jealousy took control of his brain, rendering his brain incapable of processing any information other than one simple fact:

The man was in Erin's apartment at nine in the evening, looking like he'd just stepped out of bed with his woman.

That was enough to get someone killed.

His gaze moved to a white-faced Erin, standing there with her eyes closed. She hadn't answered his question, rather her lips moved in silent words as though she were praying or talking to herself.

It had better be a prayer because heads would roll if he didn't get some answers right now.

The blond guy shifted position. Ethan's gaze flickered back to him to find himself being watched with a hawk- like gaze, arms crossed in a deceptive easy manner, leaning against the opposite wall.

Their eyes met and held in silent challenge, blue eyes clashing with green as each man sized up the other.

Ethan allowed himself a grim smile. Oh he so looked forward to beating the shit out of this idiot, preferably with that damned towel wrapped around his waist.

A flicker of recognition flashed through the man's eyes and his jaw tightened. He cast a questioning look at Erin, then back to Ethan.

Understanding dawned.

Watching him closely, Ethan knew the exact moment the fool put two and two together. He stared at Ethan in open-mouthed wonder, running a hand through his hair.

"Well I'll be damned." The blond looked back at Erin, who now pried her eyes open and returned the stare in silent communication.


Erin stifled a groan at the question in Lane's eyes. Obviously, he had recognized Ethan as the guy Nicky had been engaged to; his quick detective mind had probably surmised that something was going on between Ethan and her.

She forced herself to meet the censure in his eyes. He looked angry now, all traces of the easy going cousin vanished to be replaced by cold hard calculating anger. Not that she blamed him. Right now; Erin wanted to kick herself for allowing things to have gotten as far as they had with Ethan.

Speaking of Ethan... she tore her gaze away from Lane's and snuck a peek at Ethan. He stood as still as a statue, watching the silent exchange with narrowed eyes, obviously putting two and two together and arriving at six. A muscle ticked in his neck, his mouth set in a thin line, murderous fury in his eyes.

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