Chapter 22

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Erin happily bit into her fifth strawberry cookie, letting out a little moan of delight. “Oh my god! I swear this gets better with every bite.”

Emily grinned, looking pleased. “Glad you think so. I dug the recipe from an online site just yesterday and couldn’t wait to try it out. So far, it’s been a great hit with the guests.”

“It’s really good.” Erin popped the rest into her mouth and chewed in bliss for a few moments. She eyed the plate of cookies sitting on the kitchen counter, and decided one more wouldn’t hurt. She would worry about gaining a few pounds tomorrow. Today, she could gorge herself as much as she wanted and no one would judge her for it.

She perched on a high stool in an effort to rest her aching feet, marveling at how comfortable she already was with Ethan’s family. Once the awkwardness of first introductions had passed, the Lachlan’s had welcomed her into their midst and despite her earlier misgivings, Erin was thoroughly enjoying the afternoon. Martha had even conscripted Erin into manning one of the five refreshment tables in the garden. The huge stack of baked goodies had disappeared quickly and she’d nipped into the kitchen for more where Emily had asked her to try out the strawberry cookies.

The sound of male laughter filtered through the windows overlooking the garden and Erin leaned back so she could see outside. Her eyes followed the source of the laughter to the huge oak tree where the Lachlan men had gathered under the cool shade, talking. She easily picked Ethan from the group, since he stood facing her. He’d discarded his tie and jacket, rolled up the sleeves and undone the top button of his shirt, and Erin’s palms tingled with the longing to touch the base of his neck, to run her tongue over the smooth curve of his…

As though he could hear her lascivious thoughts, Ethan looked up and met her gaze.

Erin gasped in shock and nearly tumbled off her stool. She tore her gaze away and took a deep breath to calm her racing nerves. Oh boy! She needed to get a grip and stop lusting after a man who threatened her very peace of mind, though it was getting harder and harder to do that, especially now she’d seen a completely different side to the man she’d always assumed was hard and completely lacking in any warmth whatsoever.

 It was quite shocking to see a different side of Ethan, one at odds with the tough, ruthless businessman image he usually presented. Watching him with his family and the kids seemed to make him all the more appealing…just that much sexier and it was messing with her resolve to avoid the dude.

Emily cleared her throat delicately and Erin looked up to see the knowing look. She blushed, embarrassed to be caught drooling over her brother. Well, it was about time she returned to her table anyway, she thought, grabbing the plate of cookies and made to slide off the stool.

“There’s no need to go running off just because I know you have the hots for Ethan.” Emily clucked her tongue, pulling another piping hot batch of cookies out of the oven. She set the tray on the counter to cool and looked Erin in the eye. “In fact, I’d be more worried if you weren’t drooling every time you looked his way.”

Oh dear god in heaven! Of all the most awkward moments, this one took the prize.

“I don’t…” she began but Emily cut her off with a wave.

“Oh don’t bother denying it Erin. And my brother…stubborn ass that he is sometimes… I can tell he’s attracted to you too and it’s a good thing.”

Oh she definitely agreed, one hundred percent as long as he relinquished those shares he’d stolen the company…maybe this could work. “So I take it you have no problem with Ethan dating his ex’s cousin?”

Emily shook her head and slid onto a nearby stool. “Not at all, it’s plain to see you’re different from Nicky… and the first time Ethan introduced your cousin to me in New York, I kinda knew they wouldn’t last long as a couple. Their chemistry was…..wrong somehow, you know? No offense.”

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