Chapter 15

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          CHAPTER 15

Her footsteps echoed loudly in the underground parking lot as Erin walked towards her car in quick determined steps. She managed a nod to the guard standing outside the security post, her thoughts completely focused on her destination.

Reaching the sleek silver Infiniti, she slid into the warm interior of the car, resting her head against the soft leather seat, her breath coming in short puffs from the exertion of walking.

“Now what?” She muttered, gripping the steering wheel. She had no idea where Ethan even lived, had never bothered to find out. The only clue she had was that he lived quite close to the hotel, but where exactly, Erin had no idea.

“Argh!” The frustrated sound slid from her lips and she banged her head against the wheel in frustration. “Great plan Erin, real great.” She mocked herself, already regretting the impulse that had got her out of bed in the first place. But she really needed answers, needed to speak with Ethan without the usual screams and tensions that characterized their conversations every single time.

Erin moaned again, feeling frustration nipping away at the edges of her mind. How was she ever going to find him tonight?

She sat in thoughtful silence for a while, and then brightened as an idea struck her. Digging into the pocket of her jeans for the mobile phone she’d tucked in there earlier, she quickly dialed a number.

The phone rang for seemingly endless minutes. “Come on, pick up.” Erin pleaded, drumming her fingertips on the wheel in impatience.

“Hello?” A sleepy voice muttered at the other end. “Who the hell is this?”

Despite her anxiety, Erin smiled. “Hey Kim, I’m really sorry to wake you, but er…is Derek with you by any chance?”

“Jesus Erin,” Kim grumbled, her voice filled with irritation. “Do you know what time it is?”

“Yeah I do, and I’m really sorry to bother you, but it’s kinda urgent. Is he there?”

“Yeah, he’s here.” Kim replied crossly. “Seriously, what could be so urgent that it can’t wait till morning?”

Erin raked a hand through her hair, already regretting the decision to call Kim. Her friend was right and this could have waited till morning. Now Kim would probably think she’d lost her mind.

“Wait…” Kim’s voice was tinged with worry. “It’s not your dad, is it? Is he alright?”

“Yeah…” The sound came out hoarse and Erin cleared her throat and tried again. “Yeah, dad’s ok…..look, I just need a huge favor Kim. I know you’ll think I’ve lost my mind when you hear what I’m asking, but just understand that it’s important.”

“Girl I’ve known you since junior high,” Kim replied with a chuckle. “I’ve dealt with your craziness long enough that nothing you can come up with could surprise me anymore.”

Despite the swell of emotions roiling within her, Erin managed a dry chuckle. “Well, I guarantee you’ll be surprised this time.”

“You’re not in trouble with the law, are you? Wait, no that’s not it. If you were, that gorgeous cousin of yours would rescue you.”

“No, it’s not that.” Erin drummed her fingers on the steering. “I need to find out where someone lives, that’s why I need to speak to Derek.”

Derek, Kim’s on and off boyfriend, worked in real estate, and dabbled in software programming in his spare time. Last year, he’d come up with a modification of Google maps that he claimed could find not just a location, but the residence of a specific person. Erin had been doubtful at first until he’d shown her a demonstration.

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