Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The persistent buzz of the phone finally pulled Erin from her stupor. Raising her head from the pillow, she squinted at the morning sunlight pouring through the windows, wincing when the motion set off her pounding headache.

"Hell." Erin groaned, the inside of her mouth the consistency of cotton wool. How many glasses of wine had she drank last night? She searched her memory but came up blank. Her brain was probably still asleep.

The phone pealed again, the sound extraordinarily loud and painful. Erin winced and groped for the offending object. "What?"

"Have you seen the paper this morning?" Nicky went straight to the point. Something in her cousin's tone made Erin frown.

"No." Erin pulled herself up, careful not to jolt her head too much. "I just woke up. What's in it?"

Nicky paused for a moment, and Erin could feel waves of disapproval even through the phone. "It's not something easily explained over the phone. You should see it for yourself."

That caught Erin's attention. What on earth could be in the paper that Nicky could not tell her over the phone? A sliver of apprehension ran through her. "Nicky," She began slowly, brushing clumps of hair away from her face. "What could be so bad in there that you can't tell me now?"

"Trust me Erin, you need to read it for yourself. Read the Enquirer and call me when you have." Nicky ended the call, leaving Erin staring at the phone in confusion. What was all the mystery for, and why had Nicky sounded so disapproving? She pushed off the covers and swung her legs over the side, groaning when the headache intensified and the room spun for a second. Damn hangover.

The unsettling events of last night came back in a rush and Erin fought the urge to just crawl back into bed, pull the covers over her head and fall back into oblivion. Shame and anger battled within her- shame at the wanton way she had allowed herself to fall for Ethan's mind games. For heaven's sakes, it had been only a touch... maybe more than a touch but she had reacted like a sex-starved nymph.

Not that she was sex-starved, far from it. Until her failed relationship with Luke, she had never considered herself lacking in that department. And besides, if things with Todd went smoothly, she would soon be back on the wagon and Ethan Lachlan could go burn in hell.

Picking up the phone again, Erin ordered for the newspaper- the one Nicky had recommended- to be brought up then stepped into the shower. The steaming water helped ease her pounding head and soothe muscles she had no idea were tense. Wrapping up in a fluffy towel, she stepped out just as a knock sounded on the door.

"The door's open." Erin called out. It was probably one of the hotel maids with the paper she'd asked for. She stood in the middle of the living room, drying her hair with a towel when the door opened.

"Well. I must say this is quite an entertaining view."

Erin jumped in shock at the voice. She spun around to face the doorway, eyes wide as saucers.

Ethan stood framed in the doorway, a smug smile on his face even as his eyes swept over her- a slow languid look that set Erin's cheeks aflame.

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" Erin demanded, once the shock of seeing him there had faded somewhat. "Who let you up?" She would give that employee such a telling off as soon as she'd gotten rid of Ethan. Which begged the question; why was he here?

An eyebrow rose, lips curved in an amused smile. "You're not happy to see me Sweetcheeks?" He drawled, leaning against the doorway, arms folded across his chest. Erin's eyes were drawn to the ripple of biceps straining against the tight white t-shirt. "Pity, I was hoping for a warmer reception. Though I daresay, I like the view just fine."

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