Chapter 17

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He hadn't meant to say those words to her.

Ethan watched as she stalked away, completely mesmerized by the sway of her hips and the way her tight skirt hugged that delectable backside. He felt a stirring in his groin and grimaced, utterly disgusted with himself for his lack of control where Erin was concerned.

Her threats rang in his brain and somehow, a part of him knew he would do well to take those threats seriously as Erin did not strike him as the sort of woman who made idle threats.

Ethan sighed, and made his way past the busy lobby, his thoughts in turmoil. He shouldn't have riled her up that way...his initial plan had been to ignore her - keep her firmly at arm's length and forget about the sexy firebrand that was Erin Gosling.

It had been a damn challenge sitting next to her in the boardroom, his entire body all too aware of her alluring presence, the soft yet intoxicating scent of her flowery perfume that called out to him - reminding him of one warm night of passion. It had taken every ounce of will to ignore her - to concentrate on dealing with her father, keeping his wits about him while his body had raged with the need to damn the consequences, hurl her out of that room to somewhere more private and ravish her thoroughly.

Angry at himself and at Erin for threatening his precious equilibrium, he'd lashed out at her. He had felt like a low creep when he'd seen the hurt cross her face at his words - had wanted to take back those words and do the unthinkable: to apologize. But instead, he'd done nothing.

And now, Erin wanted his head on a stick.

"This should be interesting."

Ethan's lips twisted in a grim smile then his eyes narrowed as he noticed the couple that had just walked in through the revolving doors.

Nicky Gosling looked the perfect picture of happiness as she clung to the sandy haired man walking beside her. Ethan recognized him as Ryan, the fiancé.

He deliberately slowed his steps to watch the laughing couple as they headed towards him, completely oblivious to the fact that he was also in the same room.

Nicky looked as classy and sophisticated as she always did in a white pantsuit that hugged her slender body. Her hair was swept up in a neat chignon, accentuating a long graceful neck that had once set him to fantasies.

Now however, Ethan found himself devoid of any stirrings of desire as he watched her approach. Where she had once dazzled him with her beauty and cool- headed poises - now all he could see was the cold, spoilt and spineless woman she was.

Odd. But unless his tastes had changed overnight... he now found he much preferred full curves, wide hips and a temperament that could flay a man alive.

Very very odd.

Nicky didn't notice him until they were just a few feet away. The laughter froze on her face, eyes widened in what Ethan guessed would be amazement and shock.

Her steps faltered and she came to an abrupt halt, still staring at him. Ryan shot her a puzzled look, then followed her gaze till it landed on Ethan.

"Ethan!" Nicky said, the words coming out in a breathless whisper. Ethan's lips curved in a cold smile as he watched her grip tighten on her fiancé. "What a pleasant surprise!"

He raised a mocking brow at the hot color that suffused her cheeks. If he didn't know any better, he would say Nicky looked...almost guilty.

"Indeed it is a surprise." Ethan replied, watching the play of emotions on both faces. Ryan looked curious and Nicky looked...apprehensive? The question rang in his mind and Ethan wondered why.

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