Chapter 18: Bright.

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    I sit in the living room with Grey on one side and Grace on the other. Sesame Street is on, and I feel myself nodding off, but waking myself back up every few minutes, trying to keep an eye on them.

    "Nap time!" Grace claps her hands, and I find myself giving a soft laugh.

    "I think it's about that time for me, you don't seem tired do you little bug?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "And what about-" I start to turn towards Garrison, but his eyes are shut, and his head is slumped to the side as he breathes softly. "You think you could take a nap baby?" I ask her, and she nods. I carefully lift Garrison up, making sure he stays asleep, and then I take Grace's hand, leading her up the steps, and towards their room they share. I place Garrison in his crib, and I turn to see Grace holding her hands out for me to lift her. I take her in my arms, and place her down, making sure to lean into her crib to place a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back in a little bit." I smile at her, and leave the room. I start down the hall, and I can already hear the arguing coming from our bedroom.

    "I said I... No. I said. I swear to god I don't want to do that at my wedding I-" El is fed up already. She's got Anthony, and her mum barking in each ear telling her what to do and how to do it, and I know it's stressing her out, especially because it's been about two months since I proposed, and we also decided on a summer wedding. So we'll be getting married in June. It's April now. She's only got two months left, and she's set it upon herself to make Anthony a suit, because he will be her bridesman, no one else. Which means she has to make Mitch a suit too so it will match Anthony. She's making her own dress, and she's making the kids something to wear as well. I open the door, and I see her throw her sketchpad down. "I'm not getting married then! I don't even want to anymore, jesus christ!" She yells out, and everyone finally notices me in the room. El's face drops, and she gets ready to start explaining herself.

    "Can I have a moment alone with my fiance please?" I ask Anthony and Suzie.

    "Please, I'm bout tired of her." Suzie speaks out, rolling her eyes as she passes by me.

    "She's all yours." Anthony pats my shoulder.

    "I'm makin lunch for all of us. Anthony you're helpin." Suzie and Anthony's voices drown out as they close the door behind them and walk down the hall, venturing downstairs I assume. I walk forward to El who has her arms crossed in front of her as she sits in the spinning chair. Her eyes are down, scanning the plans, and the swatches, and all the things that are making her life complicated right now.

    "I'm sorry." She apologizes right away, and I crouch down in front of her, shaking my head. I ball my fists and place them on her knees, looking up at her as I crouch.

    "Are you sorry because you didn't mean what you said or because I heard you saying it?" I ask, and she shakes her head, throwing it back too. She runs her hands through her long brown hair, and sighs out, letting the sigh turn into a rough groan.

    "I didn't mean it... I wasn't one of those kids that planned out my wedding, I never wanted to get married okay? So this is just.. It's really overwhelming for me, and I didn't want to hire a wedding planner because I know they'd piss me off, but I didn't think my mom and Anthony would be worse. I thought they'd want what I want because it's my wedding day. I just.. I never wanted a wedding, so the thought of everything being so... so extravagant is just a lot for me, and it's just not what I want." She explains and I nod my head.

    "Well guess what... Your mum isn't paying for the wedding and neither is Anthony, we are.. So you can get whatever your heart desires, cater who you want, design what you want, choose whatever colors you want. It is all up to you. If you don't want extravagance then we won't have it. It's all your choice darling." I remind her.

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