Chapter 6: Ease My Mind.

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I would like to instill a reminder that these stories are my creation and people constantly message me and comment saying "why did you do that?" Or "why can't they just live happily ever after?" And it makes me feel like I can't continue on with the story and take it where I imagine it going because I'm going to keep getting comments like that... this is my story. I have a storyline. I ALWAYS fix everything even when I add drama into it... and also...... if they just lived happily ever after you guys wouldn't be getting this third book at all, I would have just ended it at Stylist and called it a day. So please trust the process and don't question it or get mad at me for putting drama into the stories): If a story didn't have action, drama, or problems it wouldn't be a story. I PROMISE YOU WILL GET YOUR HAPPY ENDING ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!!!
Also!!! I used to post chapters like everyday but I'm a college student so it gets really tough posting everyday sometimes. I'm sorry if they've been slow, honestly part of it is me putting it off because I don't want my readers to yell at me hehe..


    "This was your grand plan?" I ask wearing the matching set of loungewear. "I look like a fucking whale Harry." I mumble, the material fitting me perfectly.

    "You're breathtaking baby... Come on, let me do this, the fans need to know." He mumbles, pulling out the camera. I sit down where he wants, and he lays on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows as he pulls the camera to his face. I look to him, and he takes one picture, and then it starts printing from the bottom of the polaroid. He takes it and shakes it up a bit, leaving it there on the countertop to develop, and I look to him from the floor.

    "A polaroid... just a polaroid?" I ask, and hold my hands up. He comes to me, taking both of my hands, lifting me from the floor with ease so I'm standing next to him now.

    "You know how I am... I've been silent since we found out about the baby.. I've been silent since the day the tour ended. None of them have any clue on what I'm doing, and though that's what I like, I know that if I didn't physically show them that you are in fact pregnant they probably wouldn't believe it..." He tells me as we come to the picture that is slowly developing in front of us.

    "You never have told me why you don't post on social media, or interact that much with people online..." I mumble, sitting myself on a stool in the kitchen.

    "Because as much as I love my fans I don't want to stay wrapped up in social media. I know I'm a celebrity, but my entire life doesn't need to be public.. Plus it's a lot of fun when I do the smallest thing seeing the entire internet shit a brick." He mumbles, smirking to himself, and I roll my eyes.

    "You love that people love you." I mumble, shaking my head with a smile on my lips.

    "I love that you love me the most darling... And look how beautiful you are." He takes the fully developed film, and holds it up. The picture has an aesthetic feel, and it does fit his mysterious online presence well if I'm being honest. I'm not really ready for the reaction it's going to get from the entire world of social media. I am about to be everyone, now that everyone knows in our personal lives, not that everyone is happy... now that I'm six months freaking pregnant the time has come, and I should have been a lot more prepared for it. He takes his phone out as he sets the picture back down on the white countertops and takes a photo of it in the natural lighting.

I watch him carefully as he does, and look up to him, watching his smile grow and grow as he probably thinks up some cheesy caption to the photo. "Are you ready darling?" He looks to me and I give a soft nod, knowing my words would fail me right now. He clicks a few buttons, and the picture is up, my heart is beating rapidly, and I'm scared as hell.

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