Chapter 5: What Have I Done?

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A/N: this is around what 20 weeks looks like with twins!!! Also this song is so cute..


    "Here comes the sun...Here comes the sun and I say, it's alright." I play the keys, and my fingers fumble, slipping up, and pressing wrong notes. I sigh, slamming my hands on the keys. The sun has long since disappeared from the sky, and I wish my eyes would close, and rest for once..

El goes to bed, and normally I lay next to her until my eyes finally fall but lately I've been up, unable to rest at all. Tonight I decided to come down here, to play the piano, or at least try to.

    "Harry?" I hear her soft mumble from upstairs, knowing I left the door open for a reason. I look behind my shoulder, and hear footsteps. "Oh.. Oh, Harry!" She calls out now, and panic sets in. I turn quickly on the piano bench, and begin to stand until she comes into view. "They're moving... Hurry, come feel, they're moving." She speaks in a rushed tone, her only clothes are her underwear, and her sports bra.

She comes to me, and I pull her down to sit on my knee, letting her guide my hand and place it where she feels movement, and then I feel it too. I feel the subtle movement of her stomach, and it's not much but it signifies life. It shows both of us that, and I instantly cry. My cheeks are instantly wet as I bring my other hand to her belly, feeling the movement as they softly kick, and move.

    "That's ours darling..." I mumble, my voice almost breathless. The movement stops, and I feel like my breath catches up to me. "You've never felt that before?" I ask, and she shakes her head, her eyes tired.

    "They aren't really supposed to start moving around until sixteen weeks or so, but I hadn't felt it yet, and it scared the hell out of me, but they're moving now.." She looks to both of our hands holding her stomach.

    "Though I'm glad you felt it.. Why are you awake?" I ask, concerned as I see the clock on the stove, seeing the time.

    "You weren't there... I woke up, and went to the bathroom, and then I felt it and I called for you, and came down here, and... wait, no that's not fair, it's your turn to answer why the hell you're awake, and down here instead of in bed..." She mumbles.

    "I haven't been sleeping well, I wanted to play and I came down here to play.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you darling." I mumble. "I can't believe they're moving... Growing up too fast..." I joke, and I bring my face down, pressing my lips to her stomach. "Hi babies... Are you having fun in there?" I ask, and feel her hand run through my hair softly. "I can't wait to meet the two of you..." I mumble, wishing everyone could know how true those words are. I can't wait to name them, to have them, to hold them, to love them... I can't wait to know them.


I lean over my belly, trying my hardest to reach my feet, and my fingers continue to slip.

    "Fuck me." I groan out, and Harry jogs into the room, slowing his pace from walking down the stairs.

    "I already did, are you ready darling?" He asks, and my jaw drops
    "Harry Edward Styles... I cannot believe you just said that." I mumble, and he bends down, pulling my shoes on for me, tying the laces.

    "I can... I need to get you new shoes..." He mumbles, and pulls me from the couch. "You're getting so big." He mumbles, his hands on my stomach.

    "Normally I would be offended by that statement, but thank you? I guess?" I tilt my head, and he kisses me, breaking my lips into a smile.

    "I just didn't think you'd be showing so much... You're only twenty weeks darling, normally it's not this much." He mumbles, looking at my stomach.

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