Chapter 9: An Evening I Will Not Forget.

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A/N: now you'll understand why the men tortured El with Harry's music...... Play this song on repeat while you read(,:




    The vibration along the mattress wakes me from my sleep. I just fucking closed my eyes too. I fumble for it, my fingers touching the cold screen, and sliding it open without a thought to who it is. I've hardly slept. I've hardly moved from this spot on the fucking bed. I've hardly been able to convince myself to even shower. I kept replaying all the times I fought with her over dumb shit. All the times I pushed her or she pushed me. All things that were stubborn and petty and could have been avoided. I regret every second of that...

    "Hello?" I ask, covering my eyes.

    "Mr. Styles, we need you to come to the police station. We have El Montgomery here, and you were on the list to call." The voice speaking is soft but before I can even comprehend her words fully I'm already out of the bed, stumbling over the sheets, fumbling for shoes, and a sweatshirt.

    "She's...she's there?" I ask quickly, fumbling for my things.

    "Yes she's here. She's right in front of me. She was brought in around an hour ago by task force. We'll answer your questions when you get here." She tells me, and I hang up the call. I grab my keys quickly, realizing the time. It's two in the morning. She must be horrified right now. I need to see her though, I need to see her, to touch her, and hold her right now, and I know she must be feeling something similar.

I don't even know what to think. It almost feels like this is a cruel dream, like I'm going to wake up gasping for air, and reaching out for her but she won't be there. She's going to be gone, and away from my reach, back to being tortured all for money, and power. I speed, not caring if I'm going too fast, not caring what rules I'm breaking because I need to be near her. I need to see her more than I need to breathe in these moments.

    "Where is she? Where the hell is she? El Montgomery? I got a call, she's here somewhere?" I ask helplessly as I push through the doors, hardly remembering how I got here or how long it took me to do so.

    "She's through there. Her mother just got here." A woman tells me, and I turn towards her hand, following the direction she pointed. As I walk I see Suzie standing outside the glass doors, Officer Parks talking to her, and they both turn to me.

    "Harry I wouldn't go in just yet.." Suzie speaks to me, and furrow my brows, not seeing El.

    "I'm going in there, you can't stop me... Why the hell wouldn't I go in there?" I mumble.

    "She's just not herself right now... It might be hard for you to see. She's different, she hasn't been cleaned up, she won't speak to either of us... This is hard for her.." She tells me, and I push past her anyways.

    "I have to see her." I mumble to myself mostly, opening the door, and seeing her right away. She's wrapped in a blanket, her hair short compared to the last time I saw her. She's small, frial, but still looks like a dream to me. My El, my beautiful girl. She doesn't move to the sound of the door, she doesn't even look over to me.

I move forward, walking around the chair she's sat in, and I crouch in front of her, wondering if I'm going to wake up. Please don't let this be a dream... please dear god let this be real. "El... Darling..." I mumble to her, keeping my hands on my knees, and she flinches away from me. She moves away as if the sound of my voice hurts her. My heart shatters, my mouth drops in a gasp.

    "Turn it off." She mumbles, covering her hands over her ears.

    "El, it's me... It's me, I'm right here, it's Harry... You're safe now darling." I mumble to her, scooting myself closer, feeling my eyes prick with tears. She's not in there right now.

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