Ch.1~The Beginning

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Louis' POV~~

Tomorrow is going to be awesome. Im throwing a party at my flat and ill finally get to see my best friend Niall, my boyfriend Harry and my new friend Liam. I met Liam recently because it turns out he's friends with Haz. Even though weve only known each other for acouple weeks and only hung out like twice i can tell were gonna be great friends. Oh yea i almost forgot, theres also gonna be some other guy there, "zayn" i believe his name is, he's a friend of Niall and he said he's gonna bring him to the party so he can meet me and the guys. This is really going to be great!

Well anyways untill then i guess ill just sit at home, my house was quite big so sometimes i got lonely here. It's more fun here when Niall and Harry are here, especially when Harry spends the night with me. Hey maybe he will tonight, lets call him and find out.

Harry's POV~~

Im so happy, tomorrow is Louis' party. I FINALLY get to see him, i miss him so much! I havent been able to see him because i've been busy with my sister, shes been going on and on about some guy she likes, i dont remember the name but from what shes been saying he sounds like a nice guy. I wanted so badly to go and see my Boobear but everytime i tried to leave she would just drag me back, it was starting to get annoying but now that im free of her and i get to see Lou tomorrow im happy again.

'Oh darn' i thought as i ran up to my room, i had to pick out my outfit for tomorrow and lay it out. I have to look perfect for Louis. Acouple minutes after i got my outfit ready i heard my phone buzzing on the nightstand, i went to grab it i smiled brightly when i saw who the caller was.

"Hey boobear" i said in a cheerful voice

"Hey Haz, i was wondering if you were busy"

"no im not doing anything, why?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come here and spend the night with me, i miss you babe"

i smiled to myself, Louis missed me as much as i missed him and he wanted me to go to his flat "of course babe, ill just get some clothes and then ill be there"

"Alright Harry, ill be waiting, bye"

"Bye Lou" i hung up and i got clothes for tomorrow and tonight and i headed out the door and to my car.

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