Ch. 2 ~ Lost Love

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Liams POV~~

 I walked into my flat coming back from visiting my parents. It was late and I saw Mark sleeping on the couch. Oh yeah, Mark is my boyfriend. I have been gay since I was 15. Me and Mark have been together for about 2 years now. I love Mark with all my heart.

I walk upstairs to our bedroom to change into my pajamas. I layed down in bed when I noticed my night stand drawer was open. I go to close it, and i can't believe my eyes. Drugs. The drawer is full of drugs. Are they his?

I walk downstairs trying to wake him up. "Mark!" I said shaking him a bit. "Mark, get up.". His eyes open slowly. I hold up the drugs infront of his face.

"Are these yours?" I asked with a questioning look on my face. He sits up quickly grabbing them from my hand.

"What are you doing going through my stuff?" He asked with anger in his face

. "I seen the drawer open and I went to go close it."

"Well, yes they are mine." He said looking disapointed. 

"What are you doing with them..." I asked concerned. He looked at me quick, and then looked down and started playing with his hands.

"I..I um sell them...and sometimes take them." He said looking back up. I was shocked. I didn't think my OWN boyfriend would be a drug dealer.

I looked at him sadly and shook my head slowly.  I don't do drugs and I never will. I don't think I want to be with someone who does that either. 

"I don't know if I could do this anymore Mark." I said looking down.

"What do you mean? Do What?" He asked with anger in his voice.

"I don't know if I can be with someone..that is involved with this kind of stuff, Mark, you know how I am."  I said quietly.

Mark clenched his fists. "you have got to be kidding" He said putting his hands through his hair.

I look over at him and seen how angry he is. " not kidding Mark, tomorrow i'm leaving."

"fuck." He stood up and flipped papers off of the coffee table. Mark was really angry. I was kind of scared to stay the night, but where else would I go? This is another reason why I dont want to be with Mark. He has a very bad temper. When he gets mad, he starts to hit things and ruin everything, although he only hit me once. But I guess I deserved it.

I sat in the kitchen waiting for Mark to go upstairs to bed. I grabbed a small blanket and layed down on the couch. I was kind of scared to go to sleep, knowing him.

As a layed there, things were flowing through my head. I was so confused about everything. I shut my eyes and finally fell asleep.

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