Ch.15 ~ New Found Love

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Niall's POV      <--------------------- wow long time, no see

OH MY GOD!!!! I can't believe it! Harry and Louis aren't together anymore...that means that Harry is single again, oh my gosh im so happy!! I know i sound selfish being happy that Harry lost -possibly- the love of his life, but can you blame me? I've been inlove with Harry practically since the day i first met him. Yea, yea i know it's cliche was love at first sight. When i found out that Harry was in a relationship with Louis, i was extremely depressed and i have been for awhile now knowing that the one i loved, loved someone else.

But now that he is single...this means i could have a shot with him! Holy man i just...i cant even process this right now, i am flipping out right now. Of course im playing it cool right now cause Zayn is here...oh god! Zayn doesn't know that im inlove with Harry...why did i never tell him? He's my bestfriend and we tell each other everything, it just occured to me now that i never told him my feelings for Harry... he told me about how he liked Liam..hmm maybe i should tell him about Harry?'s only fair right?

I walked up to Zayn and sat down beside him seeing as he was now in the living room watching tv.


"Yea Niall?" He said turning to face me.

"I...i need to tell you something, i was supposed to tell you but i guess it just slipped from my mind."

"Ok, what is it?"

"umm...well..ikindalikeHarry.." I said probably alittle to fast for him to understand.


"I. like. Harry."


"I told  you it slipped from my mind and i forgot.."

"Oh my god Niall...what are you gonna do? Are you gonna tell him? What about Louis...Does Harry still lov---"

"ZAYN. Breathe. I dont know...should i tell him? I mean yea hes more than likely still inlove with Louis, due to the fact it's only been like a day..but maybe if i tell him....he would realize that he felt the same way?" I bit my lip.

"I dont know mate, you should try it...see what happens."

I dont know what to do...should i tell him? He could feel the same way and just not have realized it...or he could completely reject me...aghhh i dont know what to do! Should i take the chance?

"Do it man, you have to. I know that Harry is heart broken right now but maybe when you tell gim he will figure out that he liked you , but youll never know if you dont try."

Yea he's right, i have to try something before i can know the gonna tell him, im gonna tell Harry my feelings for him!

"Ill do it, i guess i have to tell him sometime right? Why not now? But...Zayn?"


"What if he hates me?"

"Harry he wont hate you just because you tell him how you feel about him, he will just need time to wrap his head around it."

"Alright, im gonna go and talk to him and thanks Zayn."

"No problem mate and ok good luck!"

I smiled at him and got up and left. I walked over to Harrys house and knocked on the door. After waiting for about five minutes of waiting i turned around and was about to walk away thinking no one was home and then I heard the door creak open slightly and a small voice call out.


I turned around and look at gosh, he looks terrible, not to be rude or anything, his eyes are red and puffy and i can tell hes been crying for quite some time.

"Hey Harry"

"H-hi, whats up"

"Uhh..not much, how are you?"

" about you?"

" doing alright i suppose, umm, listen Harry, can we talk....i need to tell you something"

"Oh, uh yea sure, come in."

I give him a short nod and walk back up to the door and walk in as he moves to the side to let me in and then shuts the door.

"So. what did you need to talk about?"

""  I bite my lip thinking about how this will turn out and how im gonna tell him.

"you what?"

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, looking down not wanting to see the reaction he has when i tell him.

"I..i like you Harry.."

"I like you too Niall." I hear him chuckle slightly, obviously not understanding what i meant.

"No Harry...i like like in more than a friend...i have for a long time, well..since the first time I saw you really. I fell for you over the time we've been friends. I've fallen so hard that i know i wont be able to dig myself out of this hole. I fell IN love with you Harry..." 

Wow i actually just told him...i told him how i feel about him and he probably hates me now...He hasn't responded yet, oh no...he actually does hate me. I know he does, why would he not? I just poured out all these things to him and he is still in love with Louis. I..i need to leave, before he can lash out on me and tell me how nothing could every happed between us...i just need to get out of here.

So i got up and ran to the door, flinging it open and running outside into the cold night air. I didn't even get to the end of the street before i was spun around and suddenly had a pair of warm lips crash against my own while large hands made their way around my waist. I was shocked, when i looked at him. Harry was kissing this real? I heard him whine slightly and then i realised that i wasn't kissing back and instantly started to move my lips perfectly insync with his and wrapped my arms around his neck. This is perfect...this is too good to be true, i must be dreaming! I lightly pinched myself and sure enough i wasn't dreaming...this was actually happening! OH MY GOSH, i think i might faint! My knees were going weak as i melted into the kiss. 

When he pulled back i pouted slightly and looked into his eyes.


"Shh, Niall i should've realised before...i've always had feelings for you..i just didn't realise it till now....when you told me something inside me sparked up and i finally figured it out. I love you Niall James Horan..i love you...Will you be my boyfriend?"

What? T-this...holy mother of god! I can not even comprehend that this is happening to me....Harry Styles...the one ive loved for so many years just asked me to be his boyfriend...!! How is something like this happening to me? I never thought in a million years he would feel the same way.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by Harry mumbling a quiet 'nevermind'. Wait what? Oh gosh, i didn't answer him...

"No Harry wait! I-i will! I will be your boyfriend!"

"R-really? I thought since you didn't answer you didn--"

"Harry, im sorry that i didn't answer right away...i was just in shock..i mean, i never imagined that i would hear those words come from you? I...i never thought you would ever feel the same way!"

I saw a small smile appear on his pink, plump lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling us closer and kissed me lightly and whispered. "I always have Niall, i always have."

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