Ch.11 ~ Finding out.

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Harry's POV.

Woohoo. The party has started, people are here and everything is just absolutly perfect. Not. Sure the party is alright, but im not having a very nice time. He's lying to me, why would he do that? Louis' -My Boyfriend, that i love so very much- is lying to me. I saw that picture and i wanted to know who that girl was that was with him.

I just dont understand why he wont tell me. When he asked if we could talk of course i said yes, and when we did he asked me what was wrong. How could he tell i was upset..i don't know, but i figured that i should ask him about her. I asked and when i told him about how i saw the picture on his laptop, i knew that he had figured out what i was talking about..He hesitated before answering -"w-who is who?"-. Bullcrap, he knew what i was talking about and now im fuming due to the fact he acted like he was clueless. How dare he, i have a right to know what my boyfriend is doing. He knows everything i do, where i am and when im there and who im with, but when i as he doesnt answer.

....Am i over-reacting? I mean...maybe it was just a friend...But if so, then why did he hesitate to answer my question? Ughh. OK here's what i'll do, ill go and talk to him, try to reason with him into telling me. Yeah, OK.


I walked around for a good 15 minutes looking for Louis' but he was no where to be found...where could he be?? Just then the thought occured and i mentally slapped myself, i never checked the bedrooms. That's where he must be. So i walked upstairs and down the hall to his bedroom, i was about to open the door when i heard muffled voices. Louis and...wait who was the other voice? I've never heard it before, it was a females voice that was for sure but..whos?

I put my ear against the door to listen to what they were saying...yeah,yeah i know it's wrong to listen in but i felt the need to find out what they were talking about.

"He's gonna find out soon."

"Lou, baby. Dont worry so much, we've hid this for over five months and he still hasn't found out,so why would he find out now?"

"He..He saw the picture on my laptop...El, he wants to know who you are..i saw that he looked upset earlier so i asked to talk to him and when i asked what was wrong he just said i saw the picture, i asked what picture and he siad the one on your laptop, the screensaver. He wanted to know but and i had to lie to him to keep you a secret."

"Hun, everything's going to work out fine, and if he does find out then whatever, we can just leave and get a house for just us."

"But...El. I love him...i can't just leave him."

What the hell? Who is he talking to? I wanted to open the door and see, but then i heard them talking again so i decided to keep listening.

"Louis. Please babe, everything is going to be fine. Alright? Do you trust me?"

"...Yes. Yes i trust you."

"Good, now come here baby"

I heard someone shift on the bed and then it went silent. What was happening? Alright thats enough, i need to know what's going on. I opened the door and i froze. There he was...with the girl in the picture....and the-they were kissing?!?! I felt tears start to well up in my eyes and i called out in a shaky voice.


He turned and looked at me and instantly got off of her and sat up straight.

"Harr--" I cut him off mid-sentence with anger boiling inside of me.

"Louis Tomlinson. How dare you! Who is she and why in the hell are you KISSING her?"

"Harry. Please, let me explain."

"Oh please do, explain to me why your here with some random chic, and why you were kissing her when we're together. Yes, Please explain."

"T-this is Eleanor...she's my--"

"I'm his girlfriend" She interupted. I couldn't believe what i just heard...

" that true?"

There was a moment of silence, he just stared down at the ground, fiddling withhis hands.

"Louis William Tomlinson answer me god dammit!"

"Y-yes..but please Harry you have to understan--"

"UNDERSTAND WHAT? THAT MY BOYFRIEND, AND THE ONLY PERSON I HAVE EVER LOVED IS CHEATING ON ME? HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO UNDERSTAND THAT LOUIS? I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, I TOLD YOU EVERYDAY HOW MUCH I LOVED YOU, HOW MUCH I CARED FOR YOU AND EVERYTIME YOU WOULD SAY IT BACK, YOU NEVER EVEN MEANT IT. HOW COULD YOU? WHY WOULDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME YOU DIDN'T LOVE ME BACK INSTEAD OF NOW BREAKING MY HEART INTO PIECES?"   I broke down crying right there, i couldn't even process this. The man i loved has been cheating on me...and for five months..this is lovely. Now i understand why everytime he went out and wouldn't let me come it was because he was going to see...her.

"Harry baby, please i'm sorr--"

"Save it. I don't want to hear it....we're done. ....god i was so stupid...why did i ever believe you could love me back? I realise now how much of a mistake that was...well..i hope you have fun with her Tomlinson. Goodbye."

Before he got the chance to respond i quickly left the room, went downstairs and collected all my things. I was crying harder than i ever have before and i was hoping that people would be to distracted with other people that they wouldn't notice...but of course right as i was about to leave i bumped into Liam.

"Hey Har-- Harry? are you alright mate?"

"y-yea im fine, i was just about to leave and head home..i'm getting kinda t-tired." I looked away and tried reaching for the door handle.

"Harry, please tell me whats wrong.." I knew he wouldn't stop asking untill i told him so i figured i might as well spill it.

"L-louis...he c-cheated on me..." At that point i collapsed onto the floor crying and i soon felt Liam wrap his arms around me pulling me into a tight embrace...this is one of the things i like about Liam, he's always there to comfort you no matter what, so i just sat there crying into his shoulder untill he lifted me up and brought me into the kitchen away from everyone.

"Oh Harry...I'm so sorry....why would he do that?? I swear i'm gonna kick his ass for hurting you."

"Liam...please..don't hurt him. I know what he did was wrong but please, it'll hurt even more to see him hurt."


"Promise me Liam. Promise you wont do anything to him."

He sighed and nodded slightly "I promise...but i will be talking to him about this."

I knew there was no was of talking him out of it, so i just nodded. "fine"

After that Liam decided that he would walk home with me, we finally got to the house and we went inside. I imediatly walked up to my room and saying goodnight to Liam before i got change, got into bed and let sleep take over me.

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