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When we got to the Avengers tower I calmed down. I was still pissed, but the thought of our date cheered me up. When we stepped out of the car I hugged Peter. His muscles were tense. "Go have fun Peter" I could feel that he was smiling. I could feel his whole body relax. "Thanks, I'll see you tonight" My dad just continued walking without even giving me an apology.

I walked in the kitchen to find Steve, Loki and Thor eating cereal. "First of all, why are you just fucking eating cereal all day, and WHY are you ALWAYS shirtless Steve?!" I shouted and walked out. They laughed and ran after me. "What's wrong y/n?" I rolled my eyes and turned around. "My dad lets Peter have full control of his own powers while he treats me like a robot. I mean he has an app that turns my powers on and off. I just feel invalid and dehumanized" As I finished the sentence I knew what was coming. Group hug. Steve suddenly remembered something and pulled away. "I bought this dress for your date, y/n" He ran to his room and came back with a beautiful (f/c) silk dress. "Steve! Doesn't this dress cost like 400 dollars??" I dropped it to the floor and jumped into his arms. "700 actually, Thor please pick it up, I beg you" I could feel his body cringing. "Very sorry, Cap. I love you, thanks" I jumped off and started running to my room. "No, we're going to have a conversation about that outfit of yours first" They all carried me into the kitchen and set me down in a chair. I just laughed. They were sweet. Loki too actually.

*Peter's POV*

After my solo practice, Steve stopped me on my way out of the gym. "How'd it go?" he asked. "Really well actually" I answered. "Cool, you have a date in an hour, I have a suit for you. Go shower," he said. "Uhm what?" I did what he said and walked towards the wardrobe. "Nope, y/n is shaving her legs in that shower, use another one" he said and winked at me. "How did you even know?" I said in disgust. *minor tw for cutting* "You perv, she cut herself on accident and asked for help" he laughed.

*Your POV*

I walked out to the lounge in my new dress. Everyone was stunned. "Wow y/n you look great" Natasha said. I blushed. My dad came into the room. "Where are you going all dressed up?" he asked. I ignored him. "Where's Peter and Steve? I want my two favorite men to see me in the dress" I said in all seriousness. Everyone tried to keep their laughs in. "Steve's helping him dress up" Wanda replied. I turned around. "Dad." I said short. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the lounge. "Bye folks, if I die, it was Iron Man who killed me. Tell the cops!" I shouted on my way out. "I just remembered you're going on a date, here's some money. And I really want to let you have control of your powers but, it's dangerous" he said. I took his money and hugged him. "Why?" I asked. In the second he opened his mouth Steve came and grabbed my shoulders and turned me around so he could take a look at me. "You're so beautiful y/n" I smiled. "Steve, thanks for the dress I really appreciate it" I leaned in for a hug. I felt something wet on my shoulder and pulled away from him. "Steve are you crying?" I laughed. "You just grow up so fast" he said and wiped away a tear. Dad laughed from behind me. "You really do, princess" he said. "Your date is coming soon, he just had a pimple or something" Steve said. "Why would you tell her that?" a voice from behind him said. "I don't know Peter you just don't deserve her" he yelled. I laughed. Peter moved closer to me. "We'll leave" dad said and dragged Steve with him. They stood in the window looking at us with the others. "You look stunning, like breath taking. I'm so lucky. Not like you're mine, I'm not like possessive or something, but I really like you and I hope you like me too and.." He continued to ramble. I kissed his cheek and said "I'm lucky to have you too Peter" He blushed and held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and we started walking towards the elevator. I turned around to wave to the others. They ducked the second I turned around. I flipped them off, I knew they saw it.

Peter Parker x reader love story *FINISHED 41 PARTS*Where stories live. Discover now