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I didn't go to school on Friday either, mostly because I don't wanna be known as the girl who dumped Spider-Man for Peter Parker. I want to be known for being y/n and if that's not good enough, stay away from me. I slept in late and woke up at 2 pm. I put on the hoodie Peter threw on the floor last night. It smelt like him. All the flashbacks from yesterday came back. Happy was sitting in the kitchen. «y/n! I haven't seen you in such a long time! Congrats on the whole Mysteria Girl thing» he said. «Thanks Happy. I missed you, Steve isn't really a great driver» I whispered. «I bought Subways for you and Steve, your dads out of town, visiting your mom and sister.» I hugged him and went to the lounge where Steve sat. «You look tired» I said and took my Subway. «I couldn't sleep last night» he said without making eye contact. «Why not?» I asked. «I was just traumatized» he said short. I took a bite. «By what?» I was starting to get concerned. «I walked past your room last night. While Peter was here» he said and finally made eye contact. I started laughing. «Shut up» I said. «No actually you should be happy your dads out of town, he would've killed you» he sat on the floor in front of me and said «It. Was. Traumatizing.» I couldn't keep the laugh in. «What was traumatizing?» Natasha said. She walked in with Thor, Loki, Wanda and Bruce. «Steve, don't you dare» I looked him dead in the eyes. He cringed and turned around to them. «I heard them yesterday. Like y/n and Peter» Thor, Loki and Natasha started laughing while Wanda and Bruce didn't seem to get it. «I HEARD them, like you know» he said. Bruce suddenly seemed to understand. «Just say the word so she gets it Steve» Loki said. Wanda sat down on her knees in front of me. «No need to, I just got it» she said. «You're 15 young woman!» she screamed in my face. Loki and Thor just seemed to realize that Steve was talking about me. Little y/n who was always so innocent. Loki, Thor and Steve came up to me to yell at me. «I will kill Peter the next time I see him» Loki said. I looked at Natasha for reinsurrance. She just laughed along.

Happy drove me to Peters house. «Happy do I look okay? I mean I feel overdressed» I said. «You look as beautiful as always» I was wearing a summer dress, with flowers all over and a ponytail. He stroke my cheek and pulled up to his house. I grabbed the flowers I bought for May and stepped out of the car. I knocked on the door. Peter opened. I kissed him. «You can't do this to me» he laughed. I was confused. «You can't wear the same perfume as yesterday. I get flashbacks» he laughed again. This time I laughed too. «Don't worry. I do too» I winked at him. «Oh by the way, Steve told the whole team that we did it» Peter cringed. «Your dad too?!» he asked. I shook my head. He took a deep breath. Aunt May came interrupting us. I stuck my hand out for a hand shake, but she just hugged me like we'd known each other forever. «Y/n!! Peter has told me so much about you!!» she said. «He has?? He has told me so much about you too» I answered. She took a step back to get a real look at me. «You're so much prettier than I expected!!» she shouted. «I could say the same about you» I laughed and handed her the roses. «I like this one Peter. Dinner's almost ready» We moved to the kitchen. I turned around to Peter and said «Happy birthday baby» He blushed the second I said baby. «Please kiss, I need a video of this» May said and grabbed her phone. I smiled and kissed Peter. "I love this so much!" she said and sat down at the table. "Smells delicious May" I said and sat down too. Peter sat down next to me. "Cooking isn't really my thing, so I hope it tastes good" she blushed. She handed me a plate of food. "Really? Peter has told me the opposite" I said and started eating. "Peter talks about me? You were serious?" I heard the shakiness in her voice. "Oh of course he does" I smiled and continued eating. Peter grabbed my thigh. I looked up at him. He smiled. May mouthed "I love this girl" to him. I acted like I didn't see it. But I did. 

We finished dinner, and I helped May make dessert. She took a spoon and made me taste it. "What do you think?" she asked. "Perfect" I smiled. Peter gave me a hug from behind. "So your Tony's daughter right Y/n?" she asked as she sat down again. We started eating. "Yeah, actually I am. How did you know?" I asked. "Oh he texted me last Saturday and told me that Peter was sleeping there" she smiled. "You have Tony's number? Just like that?" Peter asked. "An old fling" she winked at him. I laughed. "Gross!" Peter yelled. "What birth control are you on Y/n?" she asked. Peter choked on his water and started coughing. I just froze. "May!" he yelled. "What? I just naturally assumed you guys had.." she continued. "Don't you dare finish that sentence" Peter stopped her. I had to laugh. She ran to the bathroom and came back again with her pills. "I really recommend these, they also take your period away like 100%" she said. "MAY!" Peter yelled even louder this time. I just sat there in shock. "What??" she didn't seem to see that the whole situation was really uncomfortable. "Peter don't be so harsh on her, she just tried to help" I laughed.

Peter Parker x reader love story *FINISHED 41 PARTS*Where stories live. Discover now