Chapter Four

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The world seemed to spin from his words. I paced, trying to wrap my head around what was going to happen and what my mother wanted of me. I knew that she wanted me to marry someone, I just didn't think she would be desperate enough to try and marry me off to the prince. The one person I hated most in this god forsaken world.

"He's looking for a... for a..." The word bride rested on the tip of my tongue but I struggled to say it.

"A bride." Cas answered for me, though I didn't appreciate it. I gave him an annoyed look and stopped my pacing.

"Well now I can't go to the ball." I said to myself. "If I don't go then I won't have the chance of becoming his.... Bride."

The word made me feel sick.

"Have you forgotten about your mother?" He questioned and that brought on a whole other wave of worry.

"No, of course I haven't forgotten about her." I snapped, though it was an obvious lie, I didn't want Cas to have more guilt for giving me the information. I went back to pacing and brought my fingers to my lips . When I was nervous I unconsciously started to bite my nails, my mother hated the habit and forced me to stop. But at times of stress the habit unwillingly and unconsciously returned.

"Hey." Cas said, stepping up to me and taking my hand in his to stop as if his small gesture would bring some sort of relief or comfort. "You'll get through this. If I know you Aurora Whitmore, and I think I do. You can do anything."

His words were comforting but not enough. The voice in the back of my head was screaming at me to talk to my mother about letting me stay home, well more like beg her not to let me go to the stupid ball.

"I have to go." I said, pulling my hand from his. I left without saying another word. I have to talk to my mother.

"Aurora?" I heard Cas say behind me.

I hadn't gone far into the woods, though it felt like I had walked miles until I finally reached the house. It felt strange. Maybe it was because of my new information, or maybe it was because I secretly wanted to go to the ball, just so I could see the look on the Prince's face when I rejected him, or see the look on my mothers face when he pick's some other girl.

The last thought put a small smile on my face. I could see it now, her face a deep scarlet from rage as she walked up to the prince and his soon-to-be bride. She would no doubt start screaming at him right then and there, asking why he didn't choose me and how he had just broken her heart. Despite how appealing that would be in real life I forced myself to stop, I didn't want to go to the ball, it was a waste of time and energy.

Reaching the door, I took a deep breath and opened it just to come face to face with my mothers worried and angry expression.

"Where have you been?" She shrieked as I walked into the foyer.

"I haven't been gone for that long. And besides, I'm nineteen, I don't need to tell you where I'm going or where I am." I stated calmly, though I wanted to scream as loud as she was.

"Yes you do, because nineteen is still a child." She said as I walked into the parlour. "And for your information, young lady, you have been gone for well over an hour."

"When were you going to tell me about the ball?" I asked, changing the subject. Though I could still hear my mothers usage of young lady in the back of my mind.

"What about the ball?" She asked, ignoring the subject change and pretending to be clueless.

"You knew that the prince was looking for a bride. You thought that maybe he would choose me. Even though I have no intention of marrying" I said, almost yelling. I could see her expression change, not trying to hide the fact that I was right.

"Well of course I knew. All of Lightwood knew. The Prince has to marry if he is to receive the throne, what a better way to pick a bride than at a ball, where the whole kingdom was invited." She snapped. "Of course you didn't know so I took it as an opportunity, I need to see my only daughter married before I die."

She sat down and let out a breath, as if I had caused her stress.

"I just want what's best for you dear. And if marrying the prince is how I do that, then I'm going to take every chance I possibly can." My mother said softer. Placing her face in her palm and closing her eyes.

"But mother, marrying the prince isn't what's best for me." I said sitting down at her feet, like when I did as a child and she would tell me bedtime stories. I missed those days, when everything was simple and I didn't have to worry about parties and princes. "He's a murderer and a thief, I shouldn't be marrying someone like that."

I had always tried to get my mother to see things through my eyes. As if that would change anything. She could never grasp the idea that I wasn't like her and I never wanted to be like her.

"But Aurora, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." She pleaded. Proving my point another countless time.

"Mother, I don't want to go." I said, standing up.

"Aurora, wait." She called as I walked towards the door. "How about I propose a deal."

I stopped, my curiosity spiking. Despite me not wanting to be like her, she was still my mother and knew how to spike my interest.

"What kind of deal?" I questioned. Walking back towards her.

"Well, you go to the ball... Wait just hear me out." She said, seeing me lose interest and turn back around towards the door. "If you go to the ball and the prince doesn't pick you, I'll stop nagging about marriage."

My eyes widened in shock as I turned back around to face her. What on earth did she just say?

"Yes, I know it's an unusual statement for me to say. But if it's what you want then I'll back off." She confessed and for once I felt the happiness that could only be given by a mother.

Though as quick as it came, it vanished in the blink of an eye.

"Mother, what if he chooses me?" I questioned, feeling nervous again.

"Than... well I don't know. But if he does choose you, it's okay for you to say no." She smiled again. "Though I'd vote against it, it's your life. And I shouldn't be the one to control it."

I smiled and felt the urge to hug her. It seemed my mother felt the same urge because she pulled me in, her soft blond hair covering my face and her arms squeezing tightly around me. Though, despite my shock at her words and actions, I still felt comfort in her embrace. An embrace I had wanted for the past five years.

"It's a deal." I whispered.

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