Chapter Eight

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"Um... Hi." I said awkwardly. I was a bit caught off guard from his gorgeousness. His black hair seemed to be tamed yet messy at the same time and looked soft to the touch. For some odd reason I wanted to run my hands through his hair. His dark eyes looked as if they held secrets that were hidden deep within his mind, that only he could access. His tan matched his dark eyes.

"Hello." He smiled back, showing a set of perfectly straight white teeth that added to his charm.

"Who are you?" I asked abruptly. It seemed to have caught him off guard, as if I was supposed to know who he was. Mu cluelessness seemed to have given him an idea as it took him a bit to answer.

"Someone, who thinks you look extravagant." He answered, pulling me closer to him. This caused me to become a bit suspicious of him, none of my other partners had been bold enough to say extravagant. Some had called me pretty or beautiful, but I had never gotten the complement of extravagant.

"Well guess what, you're not the only one." I retorted, feeling a sense of annoyance that he interrupted my dance with my father. It wasn't everyday that I had the chance to dance with him. Due to fathers job, it was difficult for him to have time with my mother and I.

"I can see that." He said, sneaking a glance at the people around us. Though I wouldn't say that there were anyone around us. It seemed that everyone else had cleared the dance floor and were now watching us intently, as if we were their main source of entertainment now . That was odd.

"So what brings you to the ball?" He asked, taking my gaze from the suspense filled crowd.

"My mother actually. I didn't entirely want to come in the first place." I confessed. Though I didn't know why I had said that, I usually wasn't this open with people.

"Now why is that? Usually women are excited to be able to dance their night away in a castle in hopes of catching the prince's eye." He questioned. His eyes were boring into mine, waiting for my answer.

"Well, I don't want to catch the prince's eye. He is a killer and I want nothing to do with him." I spat, though now I had said too much. For a split second his eyes filled with flames, as if I had somehow disrespected him. Though the blaze was suddenly gone and replaced with his charming smile.

"So now that I've told of my reasons for being here. Are you going to tell me who you are?" I asked, changing the subject quickly as he spun me around.

"You really don't know who I am?" He asked, his deep eyes boring into mine. He said it as if it were obvious. But just like a few minutes ago, I had no idea who he was.

"No in the slightest." I responded. Feeling his grip on my waist tighten, as if he were upset that I didn't know who he was.

"Well then this is going to be a lot harder." He said, staring at the thrones. "You see darling you have made quite the impression on me."

His words rang in my ears as we turned, I noticed that the king and queen were still sitting there, though now they were staring at us as intently as the crowd. Then I realized.

"You're the prince." I whispered. It made sense now, his dark features screamed murderer and the fact that he had continuously asked how I didn't know him, because everyone was supposed to know who he was.

"The one and only." He whispered into my ear and I instantly pulled away, feeling the hate I had for him return. Why had I thought of this man as charming?

I felt disgusted, I was dancing with the person I hated most in life. I tried to get away, but his hold on my waist was too strong. I felt caged.

"You can't get away from me love." He whispered. I hated how he called me love.

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