Chapter Eleven

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I felt something cold against my cheek as I sat up. Where was I? Looking around the room I saw a king sized bed in the middle and dark paintings on stone walls. The windowless chamber brought back the unwanted memories of last night.

"No." I whispered, curling myself into a ball, my neck protested, being in an awkward position for most of the night. My head was pounding and I felt as if every bone in my body had broken into thousands of pieces.

Last night had felt like a dream, no, a dream was a happy place where everything you could ever want would come to be. No, that was a nightmare. One that would wake you in the middle of the night and stay in your mind, keeping you from sleep. One where your father had died trying to protect you. One where you were taken away from your mother to marry a man you despised.

I sat on the ground, staying in my ball of agony, wishing I was back home in my bed, dreaming. After about ten minutes of me sitting like this, I heard the voice of a demon speaking through the door, and felt the door being unlocked.

I jumped up and took a few steps away from the door, my body aching with every step my feet took. It opened to reveal Prince Damian and a few servants. The light almost blinded me as they walked in and closed the door behind them. I had grown accustomed to the darkness of the room that my eyes burned from the light. Or maybe that was from my night filled with agonizing tears.

"Did you spend all night crying? You look hideous." Prince Damian said, this man had no filter, which added to my hatred.

I kept my gaze on him as the women surrounded me, taking their time looking at me, as if they were sizing me up for something. I noticed that I was still wearing my blood stained dress. The blood of my father, it seemed like the only thing I had left of him now. His own blood.

"Well you did kill my father." I fumed, my throat felt dry and worn out, so my words came out scratchy.

"Are you still not over that?" He asked and my anger rose.

"Why the hell would I be over it!?" I screamed, the words felt like fire rising in my throat. "You murdered my father right in front of me!"

I saw the eyes of the servant girls widen as I screamed, I didn't care. I just wanted my father back. Their judgement didn't matter to me.

"You might want to deal with that temper of yours, if you are to meet the kingdom as my next queen." Damian said, distracted by looking at himself in the mirror. I could see him studying a bruise on his jaw. I smiled to myself, remembering the pain I had caused him last night.

"I will never be your queen." I said, standing tall, I tried to close my hands to form fists, but the events of last night had probably left them broken. Though, I continued to act brave, if you don't feel brave, fake it, the other person won't know the difference. Cas had always said that to me when we were younger. When I was learning how to ride a horse and was nervous when the teacher was holding a competition for the best rider. I had been so scared, but when Cas said that to me I felt brave and I won. Though now my fake bravery seemed to show.

"You will." He said, walking over to me. His dark eyes studied my face. Even if he could see through my bravery I wouldn't let myself believe in my weakness. I stared back into his eyes, hoping he could read my mind.

"Never." I spat, our faces were inches apart and I saw a grin stretch over his lips.

"Ladies." He said to the women who were looking strangely at us. I watched as he spun around and stalked towards the door. "Make Miss Whitmore here presentable. And watch out... she bites." I wanted to throw something at him.

"Yes Your Highness." The girls said in unison, as the prince left. Great, now I was going to be dressed up like a doll. Once Damian had left the girls bathed me and got to work on making me 'presentable'.

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