Chapter Six

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The sun streamed in through my thin white curtains as I slowly opened my eyes. Dread filled me as I remember today was the day of the ball. The one night I had been dreading for the past week. And it just got a whole lot worse.

"The dress!" I remembered, bolting upright, giving myself a headrush in the process.

Scrambling out of bed, I quickly checked the small clock that hung on my wall. Eleven Forty-Seven it read. I had slept in. Mother would be coming to check on me in any minute and force me into the hideous orange dress.

"Aurora, it's almost midday. Are you awake darling?" I heard her call through my closed bedroom door. Speak of the devil.

"Yes, mother." I said, feeling the same nerves and panic that I had felt last night crash through me like a tsunami.

"We must start preparing, I have Ashlyn here to help draw your bath and get you into your corset." Mother said, and our only maid poked her head in. I felt bad for her, my mother was too harsh on the poor girl. Though she was harsh on practically everyone, it was Ashlyn who received an unnecessary amount of it.

"Of course." I said, following my mother as she pushed Ashlyn towards the washroom.

The bath felt warm against my dry skin, I could stay here forever. Suds floated around me, creating a sort of cover on top of my body. My mother was waiting impatiently outside, she still seemed upset from the events of last night and so did I. Though I wasn't angry at my mother or my father. No, I was angry at myself. How could I have been so forgetful, to leave the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen behind. I knew that my mother wouldn't allow me to leave, we didn't have much time before we had to leave, and cursed myself for sleeping in.

"Miss Aurora, it's time for your hair and make-up. Then I'll help you with your corset." Ashlyn said as I stepped out of the bath and wrapped myself in a towel that she had handed me. I quietly nodded and went back to my room.

Ten minutes later.

I sat at my vanity, while Ashlyn neatly brushed my hair. I hadn't brushed it last night so it seemed to be a struggle for her. I had tried to tell Ashlyn that I could brush my own hair, but my mother had frightened her into doing it. Eventually, after ten minutes of destroying my hair, Ashlyn had finished and had placed my hair gently into a loose braid. Now it was on to the make-up. I was grateful for Ashlyn, since we saw eye to eye on things, she made sure my face wasn't pilledged by make-up. Despite my mothers harsh comments.

Soon she was finished, though I wished she would have gone slower. Now it was time for the corset, the one piece of clothing I had been dreading.

Fifteen Minutes later.

"Mother!" I yelled, though it was more of a breathless sob as Ashlyn pulled on the corset laces. I couldn't breath, the world spun around me as I propped my hands on my bed frame, to keep from falling over. It didn't help much, my knees still felt as if they would buckle at any minute.

"Aurora, you have to suck in your stomach. Your waist must be the size of an orange. And don't you dare think of eating anything tonight." She snapped and started to pace behind me.

"But mother, I can't breath." I wheezed as Ashlyn pulled tighter. My mother didn't respond and I felt as if I would break in half from the corset. Why must every woman insist on wearing these? They are excruciatingly painful.

"Mrs. Whitmore." I heard Daphne's voice through the other side of the door.

"Daphne!" I sighed in relief.

"Aurora?" Daphne asked as she peaked through the opening in the door. "I brought your dress."

I almost ran over to her right then and there to give her a bone crushing hug, but I didn't, since I could barely move.

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