Chapter Twenty Eight

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My head was spinning as I walked down the aisle, everyone had stood up and were staring at me. Though I would not look at them. I kept my eyes glued ahead of me, trying not to draw my gaze into the crowd in search of the one face I had hoped would be there.

But whenever I would turn my head even the slightest, the feeling of Calia's arm in mine became like an alarm in my head, signalling me to stop and pay attention to what awaited me at the end of the aisle and what I was to do.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion and I begged for time to speed up so that whatever happened would happen sooner rather than later. I wanted to get out of this dreadful castle as fast as possible, though maybe I wouldn't escape and the witches weren't here to help us. I quickly brushed away the thought and decided to ignore the worst side of the situation.

Reaching the altar had taken much shorter than I could have anticipated. I watched as Damian grew closer and closer. My hands began to sweat and my breathing turned short, as if I were breathing in false air.

"Just breath." Calia whispered and gently let go of my arm. As if I hadn't been doing that for the last five minutes. But as she withdrew her arm, I felt myself not wanting to let go. She was the only person that could keep me from the monster.

I gave her an unsure look which she returned with a knowing nod. Suddenly I felt a hand enclose around mine. My first reaction was to pull it free, but when I saw it was Damian I unwillingly let him guide me to the top of the stairs. Everything about him made me wish to run away. Though I might as well say he had cleaned up well. His suit clung to his muscles. Though I didn't know how he fit in the seemingly small suit. His dark hair was neatly brushed and only a small rebellious hair was out of place. His usually dark green eyes seemed to say everything he wouldn't. Damian wanted to be here, he wanted me to become his forever, his own personal toy to break.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of our Prince and his Princess." The man said and I cringed at 'his princess' it made me sound like Damians property. I hated that.

Pictures of being Damian's wife suddenly filled my mind. Going to bed that night in his arms, the thought of having kids. My own children end up the same as their father. Cold, heartless. My heart broke thinking about them, even if they're unborn.

Thinking about my future seemed to make the priest's long speech about love fly by only slowing down when it came to the vows.

"Now I believe the bride and groom have prepared their own small speeches." He said and my face turned beet red. Speeches? Why wasn't I aware of this? "Who would like to go first?"

"I will." Damian said in a kind and gentle voice, as if he had prepared for this.

"Alright then, you may begin."

"Aurora." Damian began. "From the moment I met you, I knew you would be the only one for me. You have sparked something in me that has been dead for a long time. You are beautiful, kind, and one of the most unpredictable people I have ever met. You have made me the happiest man by agreeing to marry me and I can't wait for us to begin our lives together."

I tried so hard not to slap him and yell at everyone how many lies he had just said. But by thinking this, I realized what he was doing. He was trying to make me look bad, as if I were the insensitive one by not preparing a vow. And this made him seem to be in love with me. I had to think quickly, I would not be mad.

"Now for the bride." The priest said, turning to me. As I looked into his eyes, I could see a small tear sliding down his cheek. It seemed Damians speech really was moving.

"Of course." I nodded and began my on the spot speech. "Damian. I have been waiting for this day my entire life. I've thought endlessly about what this day would look like. Though now that it's here, I can see that it's more than I ever wanted. Just because you're here. I love you and I can't imagine anyone else I would rather be here with. I am yours forever and always."

For a split second I could see shock on Damians face, but it was soon replaced by a fake smile. I could hear soft cries from a few of the guests and I mentally high-fived myself, I had won this small contest he had created.

"Well... I could never see two other people as much in love as you two." The priest said after a minute of silence. "Now may I have the rings?"

"Here sir." A small boy stepped in beside me to hand two wedding bands to the priest.

"Thank you my boy." The priest nodded and the boy ran back to his fathers side on a bench in the first row.

"Do you Damian Redburn take Aurora Whitmore to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked, handing me a plain golden band.

"I do." Damian said and I forced the ring onto his ring finger, slightly twisting it whole I pushed it on. I stared into his eyes and saw a bit of pain flash through them. I smiled a bit at his pain.

"Now, do you, Aurora Whitmore, take Damian Redburn to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked me, I didn't look at the ring, no doubt it would weigh a ton. All I did was stare into Damians eyes dark green eyes. Wishing things that would get me killed if anyone could hear them.

"I do." I whispered and felt Damian gently pale the ring upon my finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and-"

"Oh no you don't." I heard the voice I knew too well. I quickly drew my eyes away from Damians and onto a cloaked man. Whose deep brown eyes were ones I had known so well.

"Cassian!" I shouted and ran towards him.

But I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my arm, forcing me back.

"You." Damian stormed as if he knew who Cas was. "You're the one from the party who wanted to know the plans of the castle."

"Good to know that I made an impression." Cas said, a cocky smile flashing over his lips for only a second before turning to a demanding one as he took out a small dagger. "Now unhand her."

"Ha, what are you going to do with that? Guards, arrest this imposter." Damian demanded. My heart beat faster as I watched the guards charge towards Cas. Though I couldn't have predicted what he did next.

I watched in what seemed like slow motion as multiple people, all in cloaks stood up in the crowd. Their voices seemed to speak as one as they began to chant.

"Witches." I whispered as the guards suddenly dropped to the ground, unmoving. "You're screwed."

I saw true fear in Damians eyes as he watched as more of his men came down the aisle and into the now pile of dead guards. Around me I could hear the screams of the guests as they scrambled into the foyer in an attempt to escape the witches.

Now that he was distracted, I took this chance to pull myself free from his grasp and run into the arms of Cas. He dropped the dagger in his hand and opened his arms wide to embrace me.

"I thought you'd never get here." I smiled.

"I am truly offended that you would think I would leave you to marry this unworthy man." He joked. "And I must say you look beautiful."

"Why thank you." I gushed and drew my lips to his.

Though I I felt his lips against mine, I suddenly felt a sharp pain to the right of my back. I pulled away from Cas and cried at the pain.

"Aurora, what is it?" He questioned as I fell to the floor. I looked down to see the white fabric of my dress turn a deep red from the blood that was leaking from the wound.

I couldn't answer him, I just reached behind my back to find what had caused the injury.

I was met with the feeling of cold metal. I wrapped my fingers around the object and pulled it forcefully.

"A dagger." Cas growled and looked up.

I turned to see Garrett's sickening smile beside Damian, though I could see a different expression on Damians face. He looked as if he were uncertain of how he should react to his fathers doings.

"Aurora, you are married to my son, which means you are going nowhere." Garrett scolded as he began walking towards us.

"Cas, run. Leave me here, Garret is ruthless. He will kill you." I whispered, I didn't want Cas to suffer the same fate I was to.

"I won't leave you and besides we have the witches." Right then the memories of Lizzy's words rung in my ears.

"No Cas, you don't understand. He has a witch too."

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