Chapter Sixteen

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I took a deep breath to try and calm myself. Though it didn't work, I still felt the chill of fear sneak its way in. I was terrified. What would Damian do to me? How could I escape?

My hands began to sweat as I stood up and paced, overthinking about everything. I couldn't break down the door, I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't over power Damian because I had already tried that. I was trapped, and pacing wasn't helping, only adding to my nervousness. So I stopped and sat on the ground. I went over my other options, there weren't that many.

My heart beat filled the quiet room as I thought. My mind swimming for ideas and some sort of a plan. Though nothing came.

I must've been there for a few hours, because finally Damian returned and when I stood up I found that my legs had cramped. I cringed away from the sudden light that came from the doorway.

"Are you ready to talk?" He asked in a villainous tone.

"There's nothing to talk about. Your mother and I were just getting to know each other." I half lied. I did want to get to know Calia and she had told me about her past, but that's I knew that wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"I can tell when you're lying." He countered and walked towards me. Though I had only known him for a week I could tell that he could tell. I was a terrible liar.

I felt myself shrink under his sickening gaze and I tried to move away from him. To move anywhere he wasn't

"I'm not lying." I said, though I didn't sound confident and confidence was key when talking with Damian.

"You know Aurora, I would appreciate it if you didn't lie to me. Especially since you are going to be my wife in a few short weeks." Damian said, I saw him walk over to a wall and grab the whip he had placed there a few hours ago.

"I will never be your wife." I s as he walked back over to me. His pace seemed egear and confident and I suddenly knew what he was going to do. Though it had been obvious only moments ago

"I really wish you hadn't said that." He said and grabbed me.

One of his arms twisted around me as I tried to escape his grip. Damian turned me towards him and struck me with his free hand. I tasted blood in my mouth as I was knocked back by the blow. My head spun and I felt as if it would fall off. I landed on my hands and knees on the floor. My already aching body pulsed from the new pain the Princes hit had caused me.

"You will learn your place and learn to respect me." He growled before ripping the clothes from my back.

The dress I was wearing fell from my body and my body became exposed. I tried to cover myself, but before I could the sharp whip came crashing down on my back. My scream rang out in the room, the intense pain flooded through me and it was all I could think about. It didn't help that I was already in immeasurable pain.

My breathing stopped as I felt the second lash come down against my bare back. I hadn't thought it was possible for the second whipping to hurt more, nor had I thought I could scream louder. I was sure the entire castle could hear me with this cry of pain. The only thought that I could muster was of death. If only he could kill me and free me from the pain his lashes caused.

"Is that enough, do I have to keep beating the truth out go you?" His sinister voice said as he pulled my hair to whisper the striking words into my ear.

"I am telling the truth." I muttered, unable to speak louder, my screams seemed to have taken my voice with them, escaping from this vile room.

"That's not good enough, love." He said, throwing me back against the concrete floor to resume his beating.

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