Chapter 27

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Lakshmana sat near her window staring at the sky, thinking about her beloved and imagining the day of her marriage. Her cheeks were coated crimson red. Ever time she imagined she and sambh exchanging garlands, it gave her goosebumps. The same was with sambh, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about her. They both spent sleepless nights, waiting for the day, when they both would be together forever and no one could separate them.

A, pigeon came fluttering his wings and landed in front of lakshmana. There was a note tied to his right leg. Lakshmana gently caressed his head and untied the note. The pigeon flew away immediately. Lakshmana opened the note and her eyes were left wide open, when she read it. It read:
You would be busy in the preparations of your swayamvar, didn't intend to disturb you. But, this note was just to make you remember that, today is the day, one year ago, a chirpy and beautiful princess had bumped on me, while running through the corridor of hastinapur. This letter is to tell the princess that, I remember this day. Take care of yourself and I love you.

A coat of crimson covered lakshmana's cheeks and she hid her face in her palms. She kept the note, carefully in her box and ran towards bhargavi. She held bhargavi's hands,swirled her around and hugged her. " Why is happiness over loaded today? Did you again see any dream? " Bhargavi asked smiling.

" No... I received a letter today from rajkumaar sambh " Lakshmana answered blushing. " I want you to stay smiling like this always " Bhargavi patted her cheeks.
The palace of hastinapur was filled with decorations, das-dasis, relatives and happiness. It was the swayamvar of the Only princess in just two weeks and the whole city was busy in preparations. After so many years the palace of hastinapur seemed so lovely and everyone was smiling. As the day of her swayamvar was arriving near, lakshmana had started looking more beautiful. She was always surrounded by any of her family member.

" Welcome... Welcome sindhuraaj, we were waiting for you " Duryodhan welcomed sindhuraaj and dushala.
" Where is mani " Dushala asked in mild tone, her head lowered towards the ground. " She is in her chamber, go and meet her " Duryodhan answered looking at her lovingly and dushala went. " So, kuru yuvraj, with whom are you going to make sandhi through your daughter? " Jayadrath asked with smirk on his lips. " No, sindhuraaj, my daughter is core of my heart, I won't use her for making sandhi with any kingdom, she may choose her groom " Duryodhan answered maintaining his smile. " Kuru yuvraj, this is a , nice chance for you to make sandhi with a powerful kingdom, think on it " Jayadrath added and duryodhan just smiled.

" Pranipat kuru yuvraj " Came a voice from behind. " Pranipat kalinga naresh " Duryodhan smiled widely.
" Pranipat jijashree " Two little girls came and touched the feet of duryodhan. They were asavari and ketaki, without waiting for a second they ran to lakshmana's chamber.

" Lakshi... Lakshi... Lakshi.... " Dushala swirled lakshmana and then held her hands. " Finally it's only one week left for your swayamvar. See the blush and glow on your face! You are looking exactly like bhanumati bhabhi. " Dushala cupped her face and lakshmana kept on blushing. " I was waiting for you so much, actually everyone is pampering me so much, I've started feeling like I'm a little girl"
Lakshmana said smiling and keeping her gaze towards the ground.

" That's because after some days, you won't be with us " Dushala's eyes we're filled with tears, she inhaled and controlled her tears. " Putri, you would get married after some days, don't let your husband drown your self respect. Don't stay dependent on your husband for your safety. Don't keep yourself locked in antahpur, enjoy the world outside . And yes, don't let anybody harm the self respect of your husband " Dushala said cupping lakshmana's cheeks. Lakshmana was trying to relate every line of dushala with sambh .
Sambh stood near the mirror and arranged his uttariya, and then moved his hand through his hair arranged his ornaments neatly. He had been doing the same since past half ghatika. " Sambh, you are looking pretty handsome, now stop adoring yourself in the mirror, the mirror may also get bored of looking at you "
Bhanu said and everyone laughed.

" Bhrata " Sambh looked at him with a pout. " You know right, I am going to any swayamvar for the very first time. Shouldn't I look good " Sambh looked at laughing yutika, vatsala and ulmuka. " Bhrata, she is going to choose you anyway, though you don't look that good " Vatsala whispered  in sambh's ears. Sambh threw a pillow on her, vatsala did the same. They started their game of pillow fight.

" What's going on here " Everyone jerked, jambvati was standing at the door. " Sambh, ulmuka, you both are going for swayamvar, right. Then what are you both doing here? Go the raths are ready. " Jambvati said in anger. " Maa " Sambh hugged her from behind. " Would you be angry on me, even when going to the swayamvar. I am going to bring a daughter- in - law for you. " Jambvati smiled and hugged sambh.

" Go and take everyone's blessings and return with my putra vadhu " Jambvati cupped his cheeks and sambh nodded. Sambh and ulmuka went to balram's chamber, but the found all three siblings there, krishna and subhadra were also there. Sambh first touched the feet of balram. " Be safe there, don't engage in pranks " Balram said seriously . Then he went towards shri krishna. " Sambh, remember, don't lose hope, what is meant to be yours would always come to you, just wait for right time " Saying this Krishna gave his usual mysterious smile.

" Putra, you are going to hastinapur, be safe there. Take care of yourself " Subhadra said with care. Sambh and ulmuka took everyone's blessings and started their journey towards hastinapur.
Lakshmana's chamber is filled with chuckles and giggles. All the kuru ladies gandhari, indumati, chandramukhi, dushala, Vrushali, supriya, the friends of lakshmana, uttara, asavari, ketaki, vrishasen's wife, everyone sat around lakshmana doing some ritual. Bhargavi and some other special sakhis of the queens and princesses,stood at some distance and looked at all this, blessing the to- be bride. Lakshmana was happy as well as sad. Happy because, she and her beloved would live together forever and sad because, she would have to live without her family.

After the ritual was over, all the ladies left the chamber. Lakshmana sat on a couch and looked at her chamber, which she owned only for a few days now, after that, she would be a guest here. She felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She rose on her feet and whirled, to see duryodhan standing behind her. He was looking at her with admiration filled in his eyes. He cupped her cheeks and looked at her lovingly.

" Your father loves you so much putri ,please forgive your adharmi father, if I've troubled you some day " He said with tears in his eyes. " Pitashree, you have never ever troubled me, you may be adharmi for the whole world, but for me you are my caring and loving pitashree " Lakshmana hugged him with tears in her eyes. Duryodhan caressed her head and his tear drops mingled in lakshmana's hair. " Putri, you would never be guest in hastinapur and this place would be forever yours " Duryodhan said wiping her tears.
Finally it's lakshmana's swayamvar! Hope you'll are liking this story. Trying my best to convey you'll the Story of lakshmana. Do let me know your thoughts through the comments, they are much important for me❤.

Have a nice day.

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