Chapter 9

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Mana came running through the corridor and hugged duryodhan. "My putri seems too happy today! " Duryodhan asked as he moved his palm over her head. " Pitashree, everything is going to be fine now right? , your cold War with pandav kakashrees will end and we will be one family" Great bliss was seen on lakshmana's face.
Duryodhan gave a faint smile and asked" Who told you about all this? " , " Ravi told me that you are inviting tatshree yudhishthir for a game of dice, means your enemity with him is going to end right? No one would be happy as I am today" Mana twirled around herself and again hugged duryodhan. " Putri, go and play with bhargavi, I have work to be done" Duryodhan answered with a fake faint smile. " Okk pitashree I am leaving now, but when they all will come I will be in forefront to welcome them" Saying this lakshmana left with her ghungroo and dolls.
" Mamashree, our act will have grave effect on my children, they will hate me, and also the elders will take strict action action against me. Should we change our plan? " Duryodhan was talking with gandharraaj. " Duryodhan have you lost your brain somewhere? Are you going to cancel our plan for these children? " Duryodhan gave a sharp glare to gsmdharraaj. " Your.... Your children... Your children. But did you forget how those pandava brothers insulted you? Are you going to forgive them? "

Duryodhan was quite angry now. He curled his fist and slammed it on the wall. "Jyeshth, mamashree is right. We should definitely take revenge from those pandavas" Dushasan added oil into the fire. " Yes mitra, that pandu putra arjun should be insulted" Karna was too furious. "But mitra, we are not planning to insult only pandavas but als" " Putra duryodhan, we should send the invitation " Gandharraaj interrupted before duryodhan could explain the whole thing to karna.
After a week:
"Is everything ready, they should receive a warm welcome indeed " Mana was instructing every daas and dasi in the palace. Indeed her pandav kakashrees and samraggi were going to come at hastinapur for first time after her birth. Suddenly did close her eyes with palms. She touched those palms with her hand, with a bright smile she turned and hugged her " Vrushali maa" She cried in happiness.

Just then she heard " Hail samrat yudhishthir.... Hail samraggi draupadi " . He eyebrows raised in bliss. A smile carved up on her lips. "Ohh.... I am late.. " Saying this she ran towards the, main door of the palace , Vrushali and supriya behind her.

She went to the main door and joined her hands to greet them all. She gave a tight hug to her younger sister Suthanu. After all the formal greetings, she took suthanu to her chamber. Mana pulled suthanu's cheeks and suthanu gave a small kiss on mana's cheek.
Bhargavi came in with tray of some sweets in hand. She fed one to suthanu and one to Mana. All three of them smiled in happiness. Both kaurav nandini and pandav nandini were talking like best friends rather than sisters, forgetting all the Greviences between their families.

It was almost an hour they both were talking. Suddenly a dasi entered the chamber. She was too frightened, drenched with sweat and trembling. Mana, suthanu and bhargavi ran to her and gave her water to drink. They made her calm down. " What happen, why are you so frightened? " Mana questioned her. " Sa... Sam.. Samragyii.... " Before she could complete her words all of them heard a loud scream.
They all ran to the corridor and were completely statued after what they saw......
What did they saw, that made them so amazed and whose were the screams, we will see in next part.

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