Chapter 8

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" Maa, what we're the reasons behind these deeds of pitashree? " Mana asked in a confused tone. Supriya clipped a rose above her right ear and made her stand up." Let's go to the garden, I will tell you a story" Supriya started moving. " But maa... " Mana exclaimed. Supriya glared at her and gave a look of assurance. Mana followed supriya. Supriya told bhargavi to get mana's room cleaned, through eyes.
Supriya and mana were walking in the garden. "Mana, not so long ago, there was a princess with beautiful eyes, she was the only sister of 100 brothers and dear daughter of her mother and father. Amongst her 100 brothers, there was one brother who loved her more than himself, who cannot tolerate even a single drop of tear in her eyes. Their life was full of clouds of happiness, but one day their life was covered with gloom. The princess with beautiful eyes was married to a man who was blind from birth. " Supriya was narrating the story of gandhari. " But maa... Why was she, married to him? " Mana asked innocently. " It's called fate putri, let me continue further "

"So, the princess now blindfolded her eyes to understand her husband's pain. Her brother was too furious after this. Her husband was even deprived of throne in spite of being elder brother because of his blindness. Her whole family was starved in prison because they had hid a secret from her in-laws, only her one brother survived. He decided to take revenge from the family. After some years, she got pregnant, but her sons was born after two years, before that a son was already born to her sister-in-law. Her children never got enough attention from elders, her brother started to brainwash her eldest son. He filled her sons with hatered. They started to consider their cousins as their enemies. They went to gurukul and there too they faced partiality and no attention. When they returned from gurukul, the eldest among the cousins was made yuvraj, as he has won the competition.... " " But maa, the son of eldest brother is made yuvraj and king, right? " Mana interrupted. " It didn't happen because it's 'your' hastinapur, the eldest among cousins won a competition given by gurudev dron and so he was made the yuvraj. And your father tried to burn them( supriya unintentionally took duryodhan's name and Mana was alarmed that the Story was indeed the story of her own family. Her eyes we're moist) . But the cousins escaped, during this your father was married to princess of kalinga, your mother and my sakhi. Though he had abducted her but had immense love for her. But.... But these Conspricies in this palace, never allowed them to.... To enjoy their personal life, yuvraj was always brainwashed. (Supriya had some tear drops at the corner of her eyes, she wiped them with her thumb). After some years their cousins came back and the kingdom was divided. Your father was insulted by his cousins (I've specifically mentioned cousins, they do not include draupadi. Bheem, arjun, nakul and sahdev laughed and called duryodhan andhe ka putra and not draupadi) . But he kept quiet at that situation. Within some years , the princess of kalinga gave birth to two little kids, one boy and one girl. But... But she left yuvraj alone forever in all these problems. " Supriya couldn't control her tears now, Mana also had tears in her eyes.
" But then too, yuvraj never did a second marriage but decided to become both mother and father of his kids, he loved bhanu too much, and this is what people are calling him ' adharmi'.
They have entered mana's room, it was back to it's own look after bhargavi has made the dasis clean it. Supriya sat on her bed and mana sat in front of her. " Maa, does my family suffer this much? " Mana asked with grief in her eyes. " Yes, putri, and that's what made them do adharma, but do you still love your father? " Supriya asked. " Maa, I love him more now, he had suffered ignorance from his elders, but showers so much love on me and bhrata. He never fails to crave a, smile on my face. Fulfills every wish of mine. Isn't that reasons enough for me to love him. " Mana added with a bright smile.
" You would be tired putri, come have a nap" Supriya said. Mana quickly laid her head on supriya's lap. Supriya patted her head with bright smile, her eyes we're filled with tears remembering her best friend bhanumati.
In duryodhan's room:
" Mitra it's overtime, we should if everything is fine with mana" Duryodhan was restless. " Mitra, don't you trust supriya, she would consult Mana " Karna added. " Mitra I do trust, but you know right, I am over concerned about Mana, I am going to mana's chamber" Saying this duryodhan left his room and karna followed him.
Duryodhan saw mana sleeping peacefully on supriya's lap and supriya patting her head with love of a mother. Tears filled his eyes, he left mana's room and returned to his room. " Bhanu.... My bhanu I miss her so much Mitra..... (Duryodhan was crying like a small baby, he indeed loved his wife soo much) . Why did she left me alone.. " Duryodhan could not stop his tears. Karna wiped his tears and hugged him. Duryodhan let his tears in arms of his best friend.
Happy ganesh chaturthi to you all. As I was little busy in preparation and celebrations I was not able to update these days.
Soon we will start with our cheerharan sequence.

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