Chapter 47 - till 10th day

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Lakshmana was giving food packets to the wives and children of the soldiers in the war, bhargavi and samb were helping her. " Rajkumaari ji, when will this war end? Would my father return back safe? " A small kid asked lakshmana, the smile on her face diminished, " Yes kid " She plastered a fake smile on her face. " Please don't give false hopes to my son rajkumaari, we all know this is mahayuddh and there are no chances of our husbands surviving " Said the child's mother.

" We should always think of the best" Lakshmana replied, " Would thinking of the best, get my husband and son back rajkumaari " An old woman came there, supported by a stick.
" Dadi maa, everything is happening for a better cause, I can very well understand your pain, but we are mere toys in the hands of Almighty " Lakshmana replied, " If you need anything, the palace is all yours " .

A dasi came there and murmured something in bhargavi's ears, her jaw dropped, she looked at the dasi with shocked expression, slowly her eyes moved towards lakshmana, who was giving a food packet to a small girl. Samb noticed her and pulled her aside, " What's the matter? " He asked.
" Angrani's son banasen had been slain by rajkumaar bheem and 20 brothers of yuvraj duryodhan also " She replied her lips trembling. Samb's eyes also immediately darted towards lakshmana, who was walking in their direction.

" What did she say? And why are your faces fallen? " She asked, her heart pounding. " You have been called in the palace, come let's go " Samb pulled her wrist and ascended the chariot along with bhargavi. " Arya, ravi, tell me what has happened? " Her frightened eyes looking towards them both. " We also don't know, the dasi just told to bring you immediately to the palace " Bhargavi lied, lakshmana just nodded.
The chariot halt in front of the main gate, every evening a soldier would come from kurukshetra to inform, what all happened in the whole day.
" Why aren't the lamps lightened? " Lakshmana thought and hurried through the steps, as she passed through the chamber of karna, she heard loud wails. Her heart started beating, she gulped and went inside, to see supriya and vrushali crying .

Her eyes went wide and a shiver ran down her spine, " Maa " She went near the two queens, who were sitting on the floor crying, " What happened snigdha bhabhi? " She asked crying snigdha while bhargavi tried to comfort them , " Bhrata bansen " More tears flowed from snigdha's eyes. " What happened to him bhabi?" Lakshmana asked shivering, " He is slain! By rajkumaar bheem and also 20 sons of maharani gandhari "

Lakshmana sat on the ground with a thud and embraced a shivering vrushali with cold hands, tears running down from her cheeks. Death was a completely new experience for her and that too of her own uncles and brother. " Lakshi, I have gave birth to him, from my own flesh and blood, who gave them the right to kill him, my bansen " Supriya cried banging her hands on the wall.

From a corner of the room, little vrishketu and aditya were watching all this. Samb noticed it and immediately took them inside. " Jijashree, are the pandavas bad people? " Vrishketu asked. Samb hugged him and rocked his head, " No ketu, no one is bad, this all is happening on God's wish " He answered.
Gandhari was beating her chest and crying, the cloth on her eyes full wet from tears , dushala, chandramukhi and Indumati were busy handling the widows of the 20 kauravas. " My sons, my sons " Dhritarashtr was crying sitting on a couch, sanjay consoling him. Lakshmana entered the chamber with confused expression, she ran towards gandhari and held her shoulders, " Lakshmana putri, my 20 sons are dead! My putra vadhus have became widows, my sons " She cried more resting her head on lakshmana's shoulder.

Lakshmana gave her water to drink and pacified her, after some time, gandhari stopped crying. The crying widows were looking miserable, their tresses dishellved, Vermillion on their forehead erased and clothes not torn, bangles and jewellery broken. They were once the proud kuru kul vadhus.

Yes, someone had said it true, no father, who married his daughter to the kuru household is happy. Their loud wails and screams shook lakshmana to the core. The face of her father and brothers, kept coming in front of her eyes.

Sanjay and vidur helped the widows to break their green bangles, remove all shringaar indicating them as a married woman. Dushala kept her hand on lakshmana's shoulder, who was watching all this with fear, confusion and pain in her eyes.

" This all was inevitable, the moment we decided for war " Dushala let out a sigh, wiping her tears. Lakshmana was sitting there numb, " Why, only we have to lose our relatives? " She asked. " Because of the curse given by bhabhishree draupadi and injustice done to her " Dushala replied.

Her gaze moved towards samb, who was helping everyone , he came near her and held her hands into his. " You are a strong girl " He said caressing her knuckles, a smile lit up her face and dushala smiled in satisfaction.
Lakshmana looked at the sleeping figures of supriya, vrushali, vrishketu and aditya. The two queens were tired from crying, the kids were hell confused and frightened. " Don't worry bhabhi, everything would be fine " Lakshmana held snigdha's hand. The latter, just nodded her head. " You should sleep now rajkumaari, it's late" She said.

As lakshmana entered her chamber, she enquired bhargavi about all the women. " Maharani is broken, she had suffered enough. What would happen to her after this war ends " Bhargavi replied. Lakshmana laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling, tears flowing from her eyes. Bhargavi rocked her to sleep.
Hey, my lovely readers the next chapter is here.
Hope you liked this part, let me know through your comments, they are much important for me❤.

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