Chapter 3

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Duryodhan was roaming in the whole palace to search his children. They were four years old now, lakshman kumar was very fond of karna's son shatrunjay and Lakshmmana had a great bond with vrishasen, she called him, ' vrish bhrata'. She was growing in the love of, gandhari and Kunti. Special teachers were appointed to teach her dance, as she loved dancing. Everyone in the palace was no use to her nonstop talks.
"Mana, where are you mana", duryodhan was searching her everywhere in the palace. He saw her in the garden, hiding behind a bush. He said little loudly " Mana, putri, where were you, I was looking for you, from such a long time... " , before he could finish his sentence, he heard his son" Vrish bhrata, vrish bhrata, look we found Mana, she is hiding here" . Lakshmama came out with a pout on her face " Pitashree, we were playing hide and seek, they caught me because you called out me", she said folding her hands in little anger. Vrishasen and lakshman, laughed a little on her words.
Duryodhan sat down on his knees( a very rare occasion) and held her shoulders, " I am sorry putri, but I was searching you, because, I have a great news with me, which would make you happy", he said moving his palm on her head. " Get up, pitashree, I don't like you kneeling in front of me, and tell me what is the news" She said with excitement. " So, your tatshree, samrat Yudhishthir is blessed with a daughter yesterday, and we all are invited for her naming ceremony " Duryodhan said, lifting her in his arms. " Yeeee, now I will get a younger sister, we will be best friends, pitashree "she hugged duryodhan. "

" But, pitashree, I have always heard that you don't like pandav kakashress, then how come you are so happy on birth of pandav princess? " , her innocent mind questioned. Duryodhan replied with a slight smile on his face " Mana, I only hate pandavas, and not their children, all children of them are like you and lakshman for me" . She was so happy, from the reply she got.
Later that evening, duryodhan was sitting with his on either side of him. " So, what did you both did the whole day? ", he questioned. He used to spend lot of time with his both children and loved them dearly, but his Mana, was more dear to him. " Pitashree, today pitamaha vidur told us the story of kurma avatar of, Lord narayan and how, Lord shiva drank the vemon for welfare of the world " Lakshman told him. " And what did you both learnt from that Story " . " Pitashree, we learnt, that we should make sacrifices, for our society, just like parpitamaha bhishma, I am right na?, he sacrificed a lot for us na? " Our angel answered, with the same innocent smile on her face. " Yes putri, you are right, pitamaha had made great sacrifices for us, he is the protector of Hastinapur" . " Pitashree, when will we leave for Indraprastha, me and Mana, both are excited to visit it? " Lakshman questioned.
" We will leave for Indraprastha, tomorrow itself, but for that you both have to sleep now, as you have to wake up early morning " Duryodhan answered, rocking the forehead of both of his children, as nidradevi took them in her arms.

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