2 Sneaking Off And Meeting The 'HamFam'

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(Y/n) was bored, so bored that as she tugged a bit at her hair she made a slip to the bathroom, where she knew there was a second exit. Ditching her Secret service team was easy and fun, she usually had to be assigned new ones every so often because of her escape plans.

Once she was out of the bathroom, she wandered the halls nodding at certain paintings and glancing around trying to evade people. So much so that while walking and looking one way she bumped into a rather tall someone and nearly fell down if he hadn't have caught her.

"Waoh! Careful there!" came a voice and (Y/n) glanced up from behind her bangs to meet a pair of beautiful kind chocolate eyes which made her relax a bit.

"I'm so sorry sir! I honestly should know where I'm going by this point but was distracted," (Y/n) rambles a bit as she fixes her dress brushing off imaginary dust as she glanced around a bit more.

"It's fine, we really weren't sure where we could go either, hence why we're all here. I'm Daveed by the way," the newly named Daveed said as (Y/n) took his hand shaking it.

"Uh, (Y/n) Stevens," (Y/n) explains with a smile as she studied his face a bit. "Oh! You're from the oh what was it called. Oh I can't place it but you're one of the performers for tonight right?" she says trying to remember it, "It's that musical,"

"Hamilton, yeah, I'm Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson," he says making her nod.

"Yeah, cool, I'm not as familiar with it, to be honest. But I do recognize the names,"

"Hey, Daveed! Who've you got there!" came a call from someone else making Daveed turn around to face them.

"Oh, Lin, this is (Y/n) Stevens, she's also attending the event," Daveed explains only for (Y/n) to smile and wave a bit.

"For some reason, you look familiar but I can't place it?" Lin says as he moves to shake her head.

"Oh uh, I get that a lot. It's really nothing though, don't worry. I won't rat you out that you've snuck off into here as well." she points out.

Eventually, she and Daveed got talking slightly about things in the White House that she knew and explained, without pointing out that the reason she knew is that she lived there, but what Daveed didn't know wouldn't hurt him (Y/n) thought.

Soon everyone was introducing themselves and eventually, someone called for the Digital Ha4Ham to start making (Y/n) flash Daveed a confused expression as he moved a bit to the front as they started filming.

(Y/n) listened along to the cabinet battle they were doing and was quite interested in it. Once it was over she moved to socialize a bit. "That was something else I'd have to say, but the flow was well thought out," she says moving to rock on her heels a bit.

"I sure hope so....so where are you sitting in the area?" Daveed asks only to be interrupted by (Y/n)'s Secret Service coming into the room making her let out a small groan.

"You'll spot me, I'm sure of it, I have to go, I'll see you when you perform!" she says before slipping out the door hoping she wasn't going to get caught.

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