16 I Can't Take This Anymore

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The pair of them quietly walked into what (Y/n) described as the den room of the White House where not only her father was, but also her mother. Both looking rather stern at her the second she and Daveed walked in making her wince slightly and scoot closer to Daveed. Daveed only took a second before his arm snaked around her pulling her closer to him and she relaxed further against him.

"(Y/n) thank goodness you're alright, you can't keep running off like this," her mother was quick to say.

"Says the one who pretty much locked me away," (Y/n) mutters.

Her mother gave her a stern look making her bite her lip and take a seat across from them, Daveed not far behind keeping his distance close to her and threading their fingers together.

"Mom, Dad I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Daveed, I wish it was under better circumstances but, here we are," she says softly. "Daveed these are my parents, my dad just so happens to be the President as well."

Her father let out a small laugh but shook his head, "Your mother is right, we can't keep having you do this, it's throws everything out of whack and it almost looks bad as if you're running away when you sneak off."

"I'm not running away! I'm just going off because I don't want people tailing me when I'm trying to have a date with my boyfriend, I'm not sixteen and in need of protection,"

"But even if that is true because of who your father is you need that protection! If I can't have you protected someone could try and hurt you, or worse to get at me," her father says rather loudly making her flinch a bit.

"I just..I didn't want this life, I just wish I could have been normal." (Y/n) points out frustrated. "I just want to be able to go out with friends, or hang out with my boyfriend who I care a lot about, and is busy with his own job making it even harder to see each other. He's in a whole nother state too so that makes it way more difficult."

"That's another thing, you can't keep doing that, Mr.Diggs I appreciate you being interested in my daughter but right now she is in no means to be dating someone."

"Oh, my gosh dad do you even hear yourself! I'm twenty! And I very much so want Daveed as my boyfriend! You can't keep controlling me like this...I...I want to move out of the White House!" she says suddenly. Her hand squeezing Daveed's in support.

"What? You can't just move out, there are rules."

"And I've read the rules, I'm twenty dad, I can...I'm an adult. I can choose to move out. And that's what I'm doing,"

"You'll still have to have security," her mother points out.

"I know that...and that's fine if it has to be done...I just...I can't keep it up anymore. It's all be proper be this, I want to be able to go and explore the world in some way. I want to be able to sleep next to my boyfriend and not wish I was with him."

Her father was still silent on the matter, clearly, it was exhausting to even think about this right now. "Alright, if this is truly what you want I won't stop you," he says after a while making (Y/n) glance at him in shock.

"Wait...really? You'll really let me?" (Y/n) asks a hopeful look on her face. Her mother didn't seem to be very thrilled still, but if her father was this could work.

"I know you're not little, I just worry about you sometimes, you're my little girl, but if you really want to move and be with Mr. Diggs,"

"Daveed, please just call me Daveed, Mr.Diggs makes me feel way too old," Daveed admits.

"If Daveed and you really want to do this, then you can. But!" he says making (Y/n) freeze in worry.

"You two need to be careful, and Ducky you do have to at least try and come home once a week, to visit and have dinner with us, whether or not Daveed can make it."

(Y/n)'s eyes water a bit as she lets go of Daveed's hand and throws herself at her father in a hug kissing his cheek, "Thank you, Dad, so much. You won't regret this at all I promise we'll be careful and I'll come visit, it's only a train trip away. And I'll still be doing classwork and everything, just from new York."

Her father lets out a small sigh but nods, "I know you will Ducky. Daveed, take care of her, she acts all tough but she does need someone to be there for her. And you obviously are the one she needs,"

"I will sir, thank you for trusting me with your daughter. I promise to take care of her." Daveed responds.

"Wonderful, now...shall we all have diner, or do you need to go?"

"I can stay for diner but I do have to be at the station by six-thirty to catch my train," Daveed admits.

"wonderful, we'll have another plate for dinner we'll see you in twenty minutes then," (Y/n)'s father says as the two get up to leave.

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