9 Lunch and Rehearsals

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"Oh my gosh this is amazing, why haven't I come to New York before now?" (Y/n) says as she takes a bite of her sub sandwich.

Daveed let out a bout of laughter, "Well now I really want to see you try New York pizza if this is your reaction to sub sandwiches,"

(Y/n) eye's sparkled a bit at that, "Oh then I guess later this week we can do that?" she offers.

"I think I can arrange that, it might be tricky with shows though."

"It could always be a late late dinner or we get it for lunch?" (Y/n) suggests before checking her phone quickly. "oh great, okay, that's good,"

"What's good?"

"Oh, the professor I'm in contact with for NYU left the pass at my hotel I'm staying at so I can go whenever I want for the next few days to the Observatory they have,"

"That's great! I can't wait to see it, we're still up for that right?"

"Yup! As long as I can figure out how to get everything to work first and then let you in," she points out, her cheeks pinking a bit. "Because that'd be embarrassing to not know how it works..."

"Well either way I'm sure you'll figure it out. It can't be that hard can it?"

"That's what they all say, but it can be, not everything is the same it varies," (Y/n) points out.

It was soon time for them to leave and the two bundled back up to go outside, with (Y/n) being rather careful to try and scoot closer towards Daveed as the streets were crowded. At one point Daveed seemed to slip his arm around her to tug her away from a crowd of people, her secrete service tensing a bit before they were ushered back inside the theater.


"Woah, it's never even that crowded when I go out in DC," (Y/n) admits as she twirls around in Daveed's chair in his dressing room as he fixed his hair up for rehearsals.

"Well that's New York for you, LA is similar to that too," Daveed points out as he turns to face (Y/n) spinning around. "You're going to get dizzy if you keep that up," he points out shaking his head.

"Me? Dizzy? Never!" (Y/n) chimes as she slowly comes to a stop before getting up and attempting to keep her balance as she walked towards him before nearly falling, "Okay maybe you were right-but I can be a kid if I want to,"

"Now I see why you and Lin seem to get along, you're both childish," Daveed teases.

"In case you didn't know, the reason Lin and I get along is because you added me to the group chat, and the fact that he's a Slytherin and I'm a Slytherin so we get along great sneaking and planning things like this surprise,"

"True, true, okay rehearsal time, you wanna sit in the seats while we do our thing?" he suggests.

"Sure, lead the way kind, sir," (Y/n) teases as she loops her arm with his her cheeks tinting a slight pink as she did so.


Watching rehearsals was really fun, her eyes mainly darted towards Daveed more so than the others and she wasn't sure if he had noticed it. But boy did the cast notice it, and when rehearsals was over and (Y/n) was waiting for Daveed to lead her backstage the other teased him relentlessly about how she seemed.

"So? Was it good?" Daveed finally asked when the two were sitting in the green room.

"It was amazing, now I really wish I could see the show and not have to wait for a few months, even if I have tickets for a month away,"

Daveed sat on her statement and before he could stop himself he blurted out, "Why don't you see it tonight? I'm sure we can pull up two tickets for tonight so you and your secret service can see it, if not you can try to watch from the wings?" he tells her.

"Woah? Really? That'd be so cool Daveed! If it's possible I'd love to, but probably not in the wings I'd be worried if I'd get in the way, so if you can procure the tickets then I'm all for it!"

"Great...I'll go check with Lin," Daveed said before darting out of the room, leaving (Y/n) to her thoughts.

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