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Slowly, the darkness peels away. If only the pain was as slow to make itself known. I grab at my head with a yell, the world a blur as I roll onto my back with a groan.

It takes several deep breaths before I'm able to cope with the pain and it takes several more yet before I remember what's happened. I'm lying on the ground in the dark, my body numb against the cool air. I feel warm wetness on my cheek. I touch it and realise it's blood. As I smooth it between my fingers, it all comes back to me: your desire to the see the monster again; our walk to the shelter; you sucking my cock; that look on your face as you attacked me.

I sit up with a start. Dizzy, I gently lean the back of my head against the wall of the shelter. Slowly, the dizziness settles and the world that was once a blur finally becomes sharp and distinct. I leap to my feet, grabbing at the wall as I stagger. My pants slip to my knees and I yank them back up, buttoning them hurriedly as I look around me desperately. I almost cry out in relief—my gun. You've left it behind. Quickly, I pick it up and race to the entrance of the shelter.

My heart is in my mouth, hoping against hope that you haven't done what I think you have. My heart drops. The door is open, the shelter empty.

You and the monster are gone.

Gritting my teeth, I wrench at my gun with both my hands, as though I can break it in half. How could this happen? Where have you gone? I look around the village, towards the dark forest, then up at the sky. Nothing. All is quiet and still.

You're gone.

Suddenly realising how I must look standing outside the open jail door, I hide myself back behind the shelter. I need to think. I need to protect myself. The leaders must not know the truth. A woman taking advantage of a man? My image would never recover. I would lose my place as a fighter, all the respect I've garnered.

I would be nothing.

I experience a surge of rage as I think of what's happened, as I think of you. No. It wasn't you. It couldn't have been. You love me. You adore me. The monster has ensorcelled you with powers we must know nothing about.

Yes. That's it. I have to go after you. I have to protect you. But first I have to wake my comrades.

It doesn't take long to rouse the village.

'Monster!' I cry as I run around, whacking the butt of my gun against the nearest doors. 'Monster on the loose!'

Soon, a horde of men, partially-dressed and partially-stuporous, stand in a grim, confused huddle at the shelter. Most are holding guns as they stare at the open door and the empty room within. I had already removed the keys you left behind in the lock of the monster's empty chains and replaced them in my pocket before anyone saw.

'She's been ensorcelled,' I say. 'I shouldn't have taken her to see it,' I admit. 'But how was I to know it had such powers? How were any of us to know?'

'You need to be careful with women,' one of the leaders says as he crouches beside the chain, studying it. His white hair and beard gleam against the torchlight. 'They are weak. It would have been an easy thing for a demon such as that to take control of her mind. But how did she open the door and unlock its chains?' He looks up at me, eyes narrowed.

Lifting my chin, I pat my pocket. 'My keys have always been on me. Look elsewhere for your accusations.'

The old man frowns but doesn't question me further. If he has any doubts, the rest don't share them.

'We shall hunt it again. And kill it this time!' yells a comrade, brandishing his gun.

'Protect our women and children!' shouts another.


'Let's go!'

'And we must punish the girl,' the leader speaks. 'She is a bad role model for the others. I've always said so. And this proves it.'

'No,' I say immediately. 'She's mine. She's been promised to me. I should punish her as I see fit.'

The old man's eyes are dark. 'Not for four more weeks, she isn't. Until then, she's under the care of the village.'

I glare at him but say nothing more.

It doesn't take long to get our preparations in order, though we don't leave immediately, waiting until the sun rises before we search for you. The darkness is clearly the demon's ally, and we don't want to lose any more men needlessly. Besides, the monster is injured. Either by foot or by wing, he can't have gotten far.

Standing in a group, the women and children wave goodbye as we begin our journey. The red of the rising sun makes it seem like the forest is on fire, and it helps greatly with our tracking. You've taken on foot. Good. We'll find you. We'll catch up with you. I'll find you. And no matter what the leader said, I'll deal with you. You are mine and forever will be.

As I hurry along with my comrades through the trees, I can't help but remember what you said to me.

Know this, Derrick Summers. I hate you. I really fucking hate you. You're an arrogant disgusting pig and you won't have me. You'll never have me.

Your voice rings in my ears as loudly as a horn blast and the sight of your face so twisted up with hate makes me sick. Gritting my teeth, I tighten my grip on my gun. I won't let the demon win. It's done something to you. Somehow, in some way, it's contaminated your mind. That was not you.

And it'll be up to me to save you.

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