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'Weeeee!' You can't believe how high you are! You can't believe how free you are! You've always dreamed of flying but your dreams have never been anything close to this.

Birds don't know how good they have it. The monster doesn't know how good he has it. It's almost as though you've left all your troubles far down below. Behind you, the village quickly pulls away, further and further, until it's nothing but a dark cloud on the horizon and all you see is the great, green ocean of the dark forest.

You love how cold the wind is. You love how it whistles in your ears. You love how the monster's great black wings thud so loudly through the air. You even love the real risk of falling. It makes your heart hammer. It makes your stomach drop sickeningly.

It makes you feel alive in a way you've never felt before.

But you don't fall, and you know he won't let you go. His long, strong arms are wrapped firmly around your chest; his big, thick legs are wrapped tightly around your hips. He has you so securely in his grasp you almost feel like one person. Like he's not there at all and you're the one flying, using your very own wings.

If only.

The thought makes your eyes prick with tears. If only you had your own pair ... The places you could go. The adventures you could seek out.

You trust the monster enough that you dare to let go of the surety of his arms and spread yours out slowly like the wings of a bird. As you do that, you lift your chin so all you can see is the open blue sky. It almost doesn't feel real.

You can't help but laugh.

The feeling doesn't last long. Soon, the monster begins to weaken. You've only been minutes in the air but at least it has gained you some distance and should confuse the men who must be following you—Derrick and his 'fighters'. You can't help but imagine what he must be thinking. No doubt hellbent on revenge after what you did to him. What will he do to you? Kill you? Torture you in the detention shelter until you're forced to grovel at his feet?

Like Wanda.

The thought makes your heart thud even harder than at the thought of plummeting to your death.

Carefully, the monster descends into a small clearing amid the trees. You see snaking green water surrounded by rocky cliff edges. Eyes pinned on the ground below, you grab onto him tightly as he slowly rights himself into a standing position.

Feeling yourself slip, you claw your nails into his arms in terror.

'Have no fear,' he whispers in your ear. 'I won't let you go.'

You try your best to relax, but even when your feet meet the ground, it takes you several moments before you can let him go. Dizzy, you stagger out of his arms, then turn back to him with a broad grin. 'That was great! When can we do it a—?'

You pause. His huge wings are still spread out to their fullest breadth. He's so tall he makes you feel like a child. His muscles bulge in his massive shoulders. His dark hair falls around his bruised face in long, damp waves. You resist the urge to clutch at your throat. You've already seen him several times like this but it always takes your breath away. He's so ... awesome.

You try a second time, your cheeks flushed: 'When can we do it a-again?'

He gives you a weak smile as he hunches over, clutching at his side. Slowly, his wings fold at his back. Your heart flips.

'Don't worry,' he says, stumbling as he tries to sit. You rush over to help. Carefully, you ease him back against the rock of the cliff. 'It's to be expected, but I heal quickly. I just need time.'

And you see that he's right. The bleeding is only small and it's already stopped.

Still, you crouch in front of him, looking hard into his eyes. He seems to be speaking the truth. Sitting beside him, you take his hand in both of yours. He looks at you in surprise, then relaxes back against the rock.

For several minutes all you do is sit together, listening to the gurgle and splash of the lake, to the calls of the birds in the trees, to the rustle of the wind through the leaves. You don't know why you were so scared about the forest before. It's so beautiful. Then you remember all the rumours—the monsters and witches and demons. Beasts and horrors out to stalk and terrorise and take your children.

You peer down into your lap. 'So ... I-I don't mean to be rude, but you didn't eat any children, did you?'

He shifts against you. You can feel his eyes burning holes into the side of your face. Gathering your courage, you dare to look back. There's fire in them. Before all this happened, you would have shrunk away, but now you grab his hand firmly and say, 'I have to ask. You would if you were in my position.'

He looks at you a moment more before lowering his eyes to your combined hands. He runs his thumb along your palm. 'I have not. That was another being.'

You raise your eyebrows. 'Another monster?'

He jerks his eyes back to yours, his gaze no longer fiery but icy. 'Another being.'

You bite your lip. 'If it eats children, then it's a monster.'

With a grunt, he tries to slide his hand out of yours but you refuse to let him go.

His eyes flash. 'A tiger eats the young of the wilder-beast. The crow eats the eggs of the sparrow. Humans eat the offspring of sheep and cows. If eating another's young means you're a monster, then we're all monsters.'

You stare at each other. Your heart is thudding in your throat.

'I guess you're right about that,' you say, turning to face the lake. 'The people in my village have done some horrible things. That's why I left and I'm never going back.' You intertwine your fingers with his until your palms are pressed up against each other. 'Did you know they locked me up? Just because I sewed myself a pair of pants?' You grimace, then frown as you kick the heel of your shoe through the leaf litter. 'I don't care what you are or what you've done. I don't care where you're going. Just take me as far away from them as you possibly can.'

You fall silent, gazing at the lake, waiting for him to answer. Your heart is beating so hard you can feel it pounding in your temples.

Finally, he says, 'So be it.'

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