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You never thought life could be like this.

You never thought a man could be so kind and wonderful and gentle. But Lurin is, monster though he may be. He holds you tight at night, his arms wrapped around your waist, his wings resting atop your body like a blanket. And they're so soft! You can't help but smooth your hands over them. Soft as silk. How could you have once thought them so scary? It's hard to resist feeling them over and over again.

Lurin doesn't stop you, watching you with his dark, gentle gaze. He likes to kiss you on the forehead right between the eyes. You're not sure why, but you seem to enjoy it more than any other kiss. It makes you feel protected. It makes you feel adored in a way a kiss on the mouth doesn't.

Though you like those ones too. Oh, how you like them!

His lips are always so soft, against your mouth, against your jaw, as they suck your nipples. They make you giggle as he nuzzles the nape of your neck and make you snort as they explore down below. That's a new experience! You never thought a man would do such a thing. The women in the village never experienced it. The men did, of course, but never the women.

"It's too dirty. It's too sticky," they'd say. "And what about that time of the month?"

But Lurin doesn't seem to care. He doesn't speak of "dirtiness". He doesn't complain of "stickiness". He even seems to like the taste of you. He enjoys how he makes you cry out and how your legs jerk in his grasp.

And he likes the same thing too.

You're getting bold now as you take his shaft in your mouth. He doesn't ask you; you simply do it. Because you want to do it. You never thought you would enjoy it so much, not after Derrick. Not after all those times ...

Lurin is different. He smells different. He feels different. He reacts differently. Every time you see him, your mouth waters. Every time he touches you, your body burns. Even the barest touch of his fingertips is enough to make your mind whirl.

You release his shaft with a wet suck. The moonlight gleams against your saliva and the sweat on Lurin's skin. He's lying flat on the ground, his hands behind his head as he gazes up at you with that familiar smile on his lips.

Grinning, you grab his shaft and play with it. It continues to swell in your grasp until it's like a log and can stand up on its own. It'll be your seventh time. It's only been three days since you're first and you've already done it seven times more! Your lust is insatiable.

That all too familiar feeling that you're doing something wrong makes you twist your mouth. It makes you sigh. How long will it be before you can be completely free? From the constraints of your own body? By the poison buried deep in your mind?

When will they ever leave you alone?

Derrick's face suddenly pops in your mind. You don't regret what you've done to him, but you still feel fear. Even now, after so many days, is he still following you? Or has he given up and already pursuing some other poor woman?

You hope. You hope against hope.

Pushing him from your mind, you straddle Lurin's hips, still playing with his shaft as he gazes up at you. Bending over, you kiss him between his nipples, then rest your cheek there with a sigh.

Gently, he runs his fingers through your hair.

'I hope this will never end,' you say.

'Me neither.'

You sit up, smiling, as you grab his erection again and lift your hips. This is the first time you've tried being on top. Such a strange feeling, you think to yourself, as you slide over his length. It feels different, almost as though his erection is pressing against different nerves.

You start to rock, Lurin grabbing your hips as you do. The muscles in his arms are bulging. You can see the thick cording in his neck as he strains to hold himself together. He's gritting his teeth. You like how he watches you. You like how you make him lose control. You like how his eyes travel down over your neck, breasts and hips. He makes you feel so much like a woman in a way Derrick never did.

You don't feel gross anymore. You no longer feel disgusted at yourself.

You feel wonderful.

It's easy to reach climax. You're starting to understand how your body works now, making sure to rub yourself hard up against his pelvis until all the little nerves in your vagina tingle, then burn, then electrify.

Lurin raises up his head, digging his fingers into your hips as you rock faster. At one point, you slow down to pull right back until you release him completely. His erection bounces out of you and it's so hard that it curves upwards. It gleams with your secretions and a large bead of precum sits at the tip of it. As you look, a little spurt of semen jets out of him. Just the mere sight of it almost makes you come then and there. It's because of you. You've done this to him. Just the look of his face, the impatience, the agony ... A big vein is pulsing in the middle of his forehead. It's a wonder how he's managing to hold on.

He growls your name. His eyes are begging you to continue.

Smiling, you tuck him back inside you, sliding along his huge length, wincing a little as it presses up against your womb. It's too much for Lurin who suddenly bucks his hips, spasming inside you with a yell.

Arching your neck back, your channel hot with the feel of his liquid eruption, you rock twice more before coming yourself, your vagina clamping down hard around his circumference, tugging at it repeatedly as you milk him of his semen.

Finally, you stop and all you can hear of the forest is the sound of your panting. Lurin is heaving for breath, his head slumped back to the ground, his hands loose on your hips. Your whole body is throbbing.

You gaze up in the trees, arching your burning body against the cool breeze. Lurin reaches out to squeeze your breast with one of his big black hands, and you don't stop him. Instead, you intertwine your fingers.

He smiles at you and you smile at him.

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