Chapter 1 | Good night, Sayaka

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Sayaka's P.O.V.

I woke up late at night due to a loud banging. Someone was at my door. I thought about opening it, but then I remembered what Makoto told me.

Flashback: "Don't open your door for anyone, okay? I want you to stay safe."

I agreed, but I made him promise to do the same. He's my closest friend in this place... I don't want to lose him. Whoever it was banging at my door had gotten increasingly louder. I then started worrying... What if they were trying to break down my door? What if they were trying to kill me?

I can imagine those motive videos setting someone else off the edge. A little while after I had seen mine, I had to restrain myself from grabbing a knife in the kitchen! But I wasn't ready to become a victim.

The banging kept going on for little while, each one causing a bigger and bigger feeling of anxiety. However, it eventually stopped. I thought that maybe whoever was trying to break down my door gave up. Then I realized that they might just becoming back but with something stronger.

I wasn't going to take my chances, so I ran to the room of who I felt safest with.


Makoto's P.O.V.

I woke up late at night due to a loud banging. But, it was Sayaka, looking quite pale. As soon as I opened the door, she rushed right into my room.

Sayaka: "M-Makoto...there was room...banging..."

Makoto: "You need to calm down, Sayaka. I can't understand what you're trying to tell me."

I tried to speak in a calm and clear tone. It looks like she was doing some deep breathing, and once she felt a bit less anxious, she looked up and tried again.

Sayaka: "U-um...Makoto, is it alright if I sleep in your room tonight?"

I didn't respond immediatly, so I think Sayaka thought I took it another way, so she spoke up again.

Sayaka: "I didn't mean it like that!"

I kind of laughed at that.

Makoto: "It's alright, I didn't."

We were both kind of quiet after that. I then thought of a different idea.

Makoto: "Why don't we switch rooms?"

Sayaka: "Switch rooms? But Makoto you don't know why I-"

I cut off her sentence.

Makoto: "I'll be alright Sayaka."

I tried to sound as reasurring as possible.

Sayaka: "Fine, but Makoto, please remember our promise."

Sayaka said this with a concerned look.

Makoto: "I will, now, why don't we switch keys so we can actually get in to each other's rooms?"

I needed her key, or else I would be stuck out in the hall.

Sayaka: "Oh! You're right."

She handed me the key. After I had given her mine, I yawned and decided it was about time for me to get to bed.

Makoto: "Goodnight, Sayaka."

I said this, heading over to her room.

Sayaka: "Goodnight, Makoto...please stay safe."

I didn't know why she was so worried about switching rooms.

What's the worst that could happen?

I woke up the next morning, exauhsted. Did I just not get enough sleep, maybe? I decided to just try to wake myself up, and get ready for the day. I headed over to my room, which is where Sayaka was sleeping. I wanted to walk over to the meeting in the dining hall together.

Eventually, she opened the door and smiled.

Sayaka: "Good morning Makoto!"

She seemed happy to see me, and see that I was okay.

Makoto: "Are you ready to head to the meeting?"

Sayaka: "Yep! Let's go!"

We chatted and walked down the hall a bit, and then we were there.

We weren't the first to arrive. Aoi and Sakura were sitting together at the main table, Aoi with a big plate of donuts and Sakura with a protein shake. I turned to see that Celeste and Kyoko were chatting as well, Celeste was grinning and Kyoko actually seemed to be more talkative than yesterday.

Kiyotaka was standing near the doorway, waiting for more people to come.

Kiyotaka: "Sayaka and Makoto! Good morning!"

Even he seemed to be a bit more relaxed. Well, kinda. Sayaka sat with Aoi and Sakura, while I got us both breakfast.

The morning was actually going pretty well. We were just talking and waiting for everyone else to arrive. Eventually, everyone else arrived. Except for Byakuya and Yasuhiro. Byakuya made sense, I assume he just thinks that these meetings are a waste of time. Yasuhiro however, was a suprise. He always comes, even if he doesn't have anything useful to say.

Even Toko was there, and she normally never left Byakuya's side. After we were all settled, Kiyotaka asked if anyone had made any new dicoveries about the school lately. Everyone went quiet.

Celeste: "Really? That's a shame..."

She sighed. We kept trying to think of more important matters, like the motives and the mastermind, but even after a few back and forths, nobody really had much to say. But I suppose no news is better than bad news.

Even Kyoko eventually sighed and left. After that other people began to go, leaving just me and Sayaka, who looked disappointed

Sayaka: "I suppose we're done for now, then. I think I'm gonna go take a shower. After that we can hang out for a while if you want."

I nodded Then, she left for a minute but quickly returned.

Sayaka "Um, I forgot you had my room key. Can we switch back?"

Makoto: "Of course"

I handed it back. She gave me mine, smiled, and then left again. I decided to just walk aimlessly for a little while, since I had nothing else to do.

Sayaka said we could hang out for a while, but I realized that that was quite some time ago. I decided to go check on her to make sure that she was okay. I knocked on her door, but it took her a while to answer. After she opened it, I could see why...


Sayaka had discovered the first victim of this killing game.

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