time together (9)

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after jake got better Fade to ext of castle. zander is playing in the snow with Phillipe and the footstool. jake, daisy and milly watch from the balcony.

jake: I've never felt this way about anyone. *Looks excited* I want to do something for him. *Looks discouraged* But what?

Cogsworth: Well, there's the usual things--flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep...

milly: Ahh, no no. It has to be something very special. Something that sparks his interest... Wait a minute.

Cut to int hallway leading to library. jake and zander are alone.

jake: zander, there's something I want to show you. 

Begins to open the door, then stops.

jake: But first, you have to close your eyes. 

zander looks at him questioningly.

zan: what is it? 

jake: It's a surprise.

zander closes his eyes, and jake waves his hand in front of him. Then he opens the door. He leads zander in.

zander: *Just as he enters the room* Can I open them?

jake: No, no. Not yet. Wait here. 

He walks away to draw back the curtains. He does, and brilliant sunlight spills into the room.

zan: *flinches reflexively as the light hits his face* Now can I open them

jake: All right. Now.

zander: *opens his eyes and he can't believe his eyes that reveal the gigantic library filled with books I can't believe it. I've never seen so many books in all my life!

jake: You--you like it?

zander: It's wonderful jake.

jake: Then it's yours.

zander: Oh, thank you so much.

hailey: Oh, would you look at that?

milly: Ha ha! I knew it would work.

sean: What? What works?

daisy: It's very encouraging.

elliot: Isn't this exciting!

sean: I didn't see anything?!

hailey: *sighs* Come along, sean. There's chores to be done in the kitchen.


hailey: then you can't have that date with luke later

sean:...................TO THE KITCHEN

milly: how does sean and luke work? luke a stove? and sean a tea cup?


zander: ♪There's something sweet, and almost kind, but he was mean, and he was coarse and unrefined. And now he's dear, And so unsure, I wonder why I didn't see it there before.♪

Beast: ♪he glanced this way, I thought I saw, and when we touched, he didn't shudder at my paw. No it can't be, I'll just ignore, but then he's never looked at me that way before.♪

zan: ♪New, and a bit alarming. Who'd have ever thought that this could be? True, that he's no Prince Charming. But there's something in him that I simply didn't see.♪

mil(milly): ♪Well who'd have thought?♪

hail(hailey): ♪Well bless my soul.♪

dais(daisy): ♪And who'd have known?♪

hailey: ♪Well who indeed?♪

milly: ♪And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?♪

hail: ♪It's so peculiar♪

All: ♪We'll wait and see, a few days more, there may be something there that wasn't there before♪

dais: ♪You know, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before.♪

sean: What?

hail: ♪There may be something there that wasn't there before.♪

sean: What's there, mama?

hail: Shhh. I'll tell you when you're older.

sean: mom i'm 16!

hail: still nope

dais: Right then! You all know why we're here. We have exactly 12 hours, 36 minutes, and 15 seconds to create the most magical, spontaneous, romantic atmosphere known to man or beast. *Chuckles weakly* "Or beast.."............Right. Need I remind you that if the last petal falls from this rose, the spell will never be broken! Very well. You all know your assignments. Half of you to the West Wing, half of you to the East Wing, the rest of you, come with me.

mil: Hoho, lighten up daisy and let nature take its course.

hail: It's obvious there's a spark between them.

mil: Yes yes yes... But there's no harm in fanning the flames. You know, a little. Besides, they must fall in love tonight if we ever expect to be human again.

mil: Aaah...human again...

dais: Human again...

(not doing the human again song)

Transition to the library

zand: "...For there never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

jake: Could you read it again?

zan: Well, here. Why don't you read it to me?

jake: Uhhh...Alright. Hmm... Um... I-I can't.

zan: You mean you never learned?

jake: I learned, a little. It's just been so long.

zand: Well here, I'll help you. Let's start...here.

jake: Here. Ok, twoh...?

zand: Two.

jake: Two, I knew that. Two households, both alike in dignity...

(DANCE COMING NEXT PART still need a cover for my liam x zander book "what if i told you i like someone else" the name of the book)

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