~The End~ (Part 15)

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They kiss. A fireworks display explodes around them. The gloom surrounding the castle disappears, revealing a blue sky. The castle is transformed, with the gargoyles changing into cherubs. Finally, we return to the balcony, where the objects hop out to meet the Jake and Zander. One by one, they are transformed back to their original human conditions.

Jake Milly! Daisy! Oh, Hailey! Look at us!

Sean: Mama! Mama!

Sean said as he transforms back into a teen again

Hailey: *hugging Sean* Oh my goodness!

Milly: It is a miracle!

The Jake graded Zander and swings him around. The ruffles of him outfit wipe to the ballroom, where all are gathered to celebrate. The Jake and Zander dance around the room 

Milly: Ah, l'amour. 

Milly  says this, and a Butler, obviously the former featherduster Elliot walks by, brushing her on the chin.Chuckling, she starts to chase after him, but Daisy stops him.

Daisy: Well, Milly, old friend. Shall we let bygones be bygones?

Milly: Of course, mon ami. I told you he would break the spell.

Daisy: I beg your pardon, old friend, but I believe I told you.

Milly: No you didn't. I told you.

Daisy: You most certainly did not, you pompous paraffin-headed pea-brain!

Milly: En garde, you overgrown pocket watch! 

Milly takes off his glove and slaps Daisy across the face with it, revealing her bald spot a bit. They begin to fight.

Cut to Belle and the prince who continue to dance around the floor. The camera stops on Hailey and Zana, who is beginning to cry.

Sean: Are they gonna live happily ever after, mom?

Hailey: Of course, my dear. Of course.

Sean: *Looks happy for a moment, then puzzled* Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?

Zana laughs and Hailey hugs her child and laughs

Luke: SEAN!!

Sean: *blush*oh heh look like i'm needed! *goes over to luke* 

Drew sighs looking at Zander and Jake

henry: Drew you ok?

Drew: hmm oh umm yeah....well i have no one...


henry: YEAH!

Drew just blushed but hugged his two homies

Cut looking over the entire ballroom with all in the shot. It slowly zooms out with Zander and Jake dancing around the room, and fades into the final stained glass window, this one with Belle and the Prince in the center, surrounded by the rest of the characters.

Chorus: ♪Certain as the sun. Rising in the east Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the beast! Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the beast!♪


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