백 - Tulip

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A bed sheet craftily tied around his neck , cold sweat coating his body in a thin glaze , fear of the unknown , and the memory of their last meeting pulling him away from the ledge to keep him here in life's cold clutch. That's all he sees when his eyes land on her sitting in the exact same loveseat they had shared last Wednesday.


She stares at him worriedly, her fingers fiddling with the hem of her spring green dress. He can feel his heart beat rapidly in his chest , harder than it was a moment ago when he looks at her . He's flustered , upset , and now looking over his shoulder to make sure no one has bothered to follow him . He only receives suspicious looks from the receptionists sitting behind the counter , fingers paused mid-typing as they should be . He has only been back there for ten minutes . Barely long enough for any appointment to come to completion . In fact , he still has an hour to wait her for his parents who had dropped him off here, stuck on the idea that he's 'fixing' himself when he never even confirmed that he'd try to get better.

He should be in with Dr. Burton - but how can he face a man like that ? The doctor would make him face himself and he's not ready for that . He'll never be ready for that . He's ashamed of himself . Reflecting on his life and how he feels about it would do nothing but make things worse for both of them . Dr. Burton would realize what a danger he is to everyone around him and Sehun would only prove to himself that he's not worth a single second of anyone's time.

No, instead of being in with the doctor he has run away - and by doing so he has landed himself right in front of the very person he's been needing to confront . She has been holding him back from killing himself . She told him that she wishes he wouldn't and now for some bizarre reason he hasn't been able to . Perhaps running out has landed him the opportune moment to encourage the hand that's pulling him back to let go.

With slow , pensive steps and a jerky last look over his shoulder , Sehun crosses the room to stand before Aoyue whose eyes haven't left him since he's walked out . Her hands have become still in her lap , her eyes growing impossibly wider with every step . When he stops in front of her she blinks somewhat surprisedly, the smile she wore a moment ago faltering .

"Hello , Sehun, " she says softly, raising her eyebrows . " Fancy seeing you here , " she adds on with an airy giggle .

He swallows heavily and without invitation shuffles aside and seats himself beside her.

" Hello Aoyue , " he says back , watching her as she turns to face him . She tucks a wisp of feathery hair behind her ear and looks at him curiously .

" Can I do something for you ? " she wonders , letting her eyes flicker around the room at the waiting patients surrounding them . He too looks around at the snooping people sitting within listening distance and lowers his voice while trying to adopt some sense of normality.

Nodding in response to her question, he leans in and mutters, "I need you to tell me that you don't care if I kill myself."

She leans away, frowning. The extremity of what he's inferring seems to sadden her. "I can't tell you that," she whispers seriously, looking over her shoulder as if worried someone has heard him.

"Yes you can," he argues boldly, almost demanding. "It's easy. Just say I don't care if you kill yourself, Sehun."

She shakes her head, her lips turning down completely. "That would be a lie."

He frowns deeply, allowing his hands to ball up in his lap. "How could it be? You don't know me. It wouldn't even affect you if I did.

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