수선화 Daffodil

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Sehun walks with Aoyue while she chatters happily. He pulls the little red wagon now and it jiggles along behind him. Aoyue has the list of addresses in her hand and occasionally stops him to lift a sheath of flowers out of the wagon and go up the walk, handing flowers to whomever answers the door, and then rejoins him. Around the sixth house that they stop at, Sehun stops her.

"Why'd you bring me with," Sehun asks dumbly, his brows furrowing at his own question, and his feet shuffling to a stop.

Aoyue stops and looks back at him, brow raised, and fingers pushing the sleeves of her sweater up her arms.

"I thought you might have fun," she says as though it's obvious, "You know–take your mind off of things?"

"But why?"

Aoyue sighs and turns to stand in front of him, hands reaching out to grab his arms and hold him out at arm's length, eyes locked on his.

“Everyone needs a friend," she states seriously and then gives him a soft smile before spinning on her toes and looking down at the list of addresses, again. “Next stop: 5007 Prentice Drive!"

Sehun lets the subject drop after that. There's something in his head that makes him think she has some ulterior motive. Who would want to be his friend?

He can be fine one second, appreciative of her, and feeling as though they just click, but then there's this voice in the back of his head that rings out horrible, negative things. It's like a reflex he can't turn off.

Acceptance. He's never felt it before. Perhaps that is what's making things hard for him. Perhaps that is what's making Aoyue untouchable. He can feel her, see her...but he can't touch her- not really. There's a barrier. something.

When they head back to the shop, empty wagon in tow, Aoyue weaves her arm through his, address list in her pocket, left arm swinging beside her.

"I have three months left," she says into the spring breeze, eyes straight ahead, voice void of any emotion. This is how she sounds when she has to talk about herself. Indifferent.

"Why aren't you in the hospital?" Sehun wonders out loud. He doesn't mean to, it just comes out. The statement has taken him aback, chilled whatever warmth was brewing in his chest.

"I can't feel a thing. A little difficulty here and there...nothing worth noticing, you know? Three months. I hate that. A deadline. No surprises. Set in stone. Three months."

His chest tightens, aches. He feels upset, mad that she's told him when. He knows now. He knows it's soon. He can already feel himself getting sucked in, feeling for her, wanting her to stay forever. He felt safe in the moments before this. He felt secure, warm, useful.

Two words: three months.

Shattered. He can feel the loss and she's not even gone, yet. She hasn't even been around long enough to leave an impression on anyone else-but to him she's already made a difference. There are moments when he's with her that he can see light in the darkness, like stars in an other- wise dark sky. The lights are flickering, now, fading. She shouldn't have told him. Too soon. Too early. He hasn't had enough time. They barely know each other. She's still a beautiful stranger. A mysterious savior. Appearing out of nowhere, leaving in an instant. Magic.

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