XII. Invitation

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The annual ball hosted by the Malfoys was drawing closer, bringing with it gossips circulating around the castle. Violet had heard that the Dark Lord would be attending, given his close relations with the Malfoys. Though it was just hearsay, she shivered at the possibility. Unfortunately, the rumor wasn't enough to deter the socialities from vying for an invitation to the lavish event, harassing her and the Malfoy heir for an envelope. How pathetic, Violet thought, that these pure-bloods were clamoring for an invitation just for a night in the Malfoy Manor. With the prospect of having a suspect among them at that. Though who was she to judge them, she was attending the banquet with Lord Voldemort's son, after all. Not to mention dallying with him after school hours. She grimaced at her hypocrisy, what have I gotten myself into?

A squeal broke her reverie, it was Pansy holding her own invitation, clutching the envelope with so much vigor, dents formed beneath her fingers. More owls entered the Great Hall, dropping envelopes onto the laps of those deemed worthy by Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. Those who weren't—glared at them with envy greener than their robes. Bellatrix had given her the invitation over dinner earlier that week, much to her parents' delight and her dismay.

"You'll be attending, won't you, darling?" Bellatrix asked, her voice sickly sweet, leaning towards her as she waited for her answer.

"Of course, Bella," was her curt reply, not wanting to aggravate the woman and her parents. It's not like she had a choice anyway. She already said yes to Riddle. She may not like him, but she was a woman of her word.

"Oh, Violet! Let's shop for dresses together," Daphne said excitedly, "We rarely get the chance to spend time with you. You're always busy studying." Her blonde friend pouted, her eyes purposely widening innocently to cajole her into saying yes.

"More like busy flirting with her new boyfriend," Pansy added, puckering her lips to make kissy-faces at her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, he's not my boyfriend!"

"—Not yet," a smooth voice replied and Violet could hear the smile in his tone. "Ladies," Mattheo said with a polite nod, acknowledging Pansy and Daphne as he sat on the seat across her.

"Riddle! We were just asking Violet here if she wanted to shop for dresses with us," said the brunette, her once wary nature towards the boy dissipating into amiability as the months went by.

"Is that so?" a gentle brow raised, touching a loose curl on his forehead. "Take this then," Mattheo slammed his palm on the desk, leaving behind a sack of galleons. "For your dress."

Her friends gasped at the money, clutching each other as they squealed and fawned over them. Violet, on the other hand, wasn't too impressed. She slid the money back to him, shaking her head, "I don't need your money, Riddle."

"Nonsense," he pushed the stack back to her, "I asked you out to the ball, so let me buy you your dress."

"And I," she grabbed the sack of galleons and forcefully slammed it next to his hand, "have my own money. No, thank you," her words holding a tone of finality that warranted no argument.

Mattheo scowled, copying her actions and banging the money on the counter with much more force. "Must you be so stubborn!"

Before she can chuck the sack of money towards his face, Pansy interjected, seizing it possessively while the two bickered, "Well, if neither of you needs it, I'll take it!"

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and she took the opportunity to whiz past her friends and towards her next class. Thankfully, she didn't share transfiguration with any of them.

"Violet, wait!" A boy called out to her and she quickened her steps, but it was too late and he had grabbed the strap of her bag.

"Mattheo, what is it—oh," she turned around to face Theodore, a slight frown on his lips. "I'm sorry, I thought you were Riddle," said Violet bashfully.

"It's alright," he replied after a pause, "is he still bothering you?" The frosty expression on his face betrayed the gentleness of his voice. She knew he didn't like Mattheo, but for whatever reason, she wasn't sure. Theodore got along well with their housemates, albeit being shy, he was admired and respected. She couldn't help but compare the two boys, both were elusive and had their own charm. But Mattheo had a domineering presence, occupying space wherever he went that it almost felt suffocating being near him. He was unnaturally reticent and even detached. In fact, she hasn't seen him talk to anyone else besides her. Inversely, Theodore was calm and transient, bringing about halcyon waves to the shores of the select few he trusted. There was a time when Violet had fallen for his boyish grin and the freckles on his face, but their friendship was far too important to jeopardize.

"No, not at all," she waved her hand dismissively, giving him a reassuring smile, "is there something you need, Theo?"

He fiddled with the leather strap of his bag, directing his gaze downwards, "I.....y-you see," he spluttered helplessly, blood rising his neck and sprawling across his cheeks. "Uhm, I...i was wondering, if you..." he trailed off, his voice lost under the chatter and footsteps in the hallway.

"What? I didn't quite catch that," she leaned in closer, oblivious of his embarrassment.

He clenched a fist, letting out a jagged breath before peering into her eyes. "Would you like to go to the ball with me?"

At her hesitation, he found his answer.

"Oh," the warmth Violet had always associated with him left his eyes, frost clouding his irises. "You're going with him, aren't you?" The words tasted bitter on his tongue, venom directed at her and at the boy that suddenly squeezed his way into her life.

"Theo," she said with a frown, stepping forward to put a hand on his shoulder. He evaded her touch with a step backward, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, hurt, betrayal. "Why?"

"He just asked me first, that's all," what she meant to say left unsaid, guilt gnawing at her conscience. She couldn't tell him that she didn't have a choice. She needed to play Riddle's game, and if that meant getting married to him, then so be it. "I can save you a dance," Violet said with a forced smile.

He scoffed out a laugh, different from the usual endearing chuckle he gave her, "Don't bother."

She called after him once more, but he was already walking away, disappearing into the crowd.

**author's note**
I guess it's already obvious but our little theo has feelings for Violet. This chapter was just a filler to get it out there. I'm sorry if the story seems too dragging, I just don't want to rush anything. After this chapter, I'll write more about the other characters (Draco, Blaise, Daphne, Pansy, etc.) as I have forgotten about them hehe. Truthfully, I'm losing motivation for this book :( and our semester is about to start so updates might be slower and if ya'll are also losing interest I'll just have to abandon it...So please comment and vote if you want more.

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