XIV. Downtown

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Violet did what she does best...run away from her problems. Instead of following Theo and telling him her true intentions, she was sulking in the drawing-room of the Malfoy Manor, nursing her 3rd glass of wine. She was no Gryffindor, Merlin, no, not everyone has to be brave (or reckless). And what else would she tell him? Hey, I'm just faking interest in Mattheo so I can spy on his father! She'd risk getting herself and Theo killed. She'd rather have him resent her than watch him get hurt by the Dark Lord because of her foolishness.

Yes, this was the right thing to do. She convinced herself once more, tipping the glass to her lips, welcoming the velvet bitterness of the purple liquid. She nestled lazily on the leather couch adjacent to an enormous tapestry embroidered with the names and attractive faces of the Malfoy heirs and heiresses. They all shared that signature platinum blonde locks, luminous pale skin, and haughty good looks.

And good lord, Abraxas Malfoy was indeed an attractive man.

She wondered what a sight the Knights of Walpurgis might've been during their time in Hogwarts. Were they feared? Lusted over? Adored? Ostracized? Maybe all of the above. It was unfair that they were privileged, hot, intelligent but incredibly prejudiced with a skewed moral compass. You really can't have it all, Violet snorted at the thought.

"And where the fuck have you been?"

An angry voice called out to her, echoing throughout the empty room. The sudden intrusion caused her hand to jump and spill the wine onto her green dress. She waved her hand sluggishly, an act of cleaning the stain on her silk gown and dismissing whoever dare interrupt her brooding. "Leave me alone," she groaned, closing her eyes as she took another huge swig of alcohol. But before she could even taste the expensive wine, appreciate its complex notes, and savour the treacly liquid crawling down her throat, someone had taken the glass and threw it across the room. Rude.

"Hey, that was a 1945 Romanee-Conti!" Her eyes opened in annoyance and were met with brown ambers crackling with ire. Mattheo. A very angry Mattheo.

"Oh, look, it's my fiancé!" She beamed mockingly, crossing her arms like a petulant child. "I'd invite you to drink with me had you not thrown my wine across the carpet." Violet tried to pull herself upright, awkwardly swaying as she steadied herself in a sitting position.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion, assessing her features and the manner her dress was partially falling off from her shoulders. "Are you fucking drunk?"

"I was about to be until you came along.....What, can't get enough of me?" She teased, purposely exposing her legs as she crossed it, not missing the way his eyes followed the motion.

"I waited an hour for you," he said calmly, or rather tried to, but Violet knew better than to buy his faux indifference.

"Okay? And? Congratulations?" She leaned her back on the couch, boldly splaying her arm on the backrest. His jaw ticked at her insolence, but he remained composed. Try harder.

She was playing with a fire that was his temper, luring the man that pushed her against the walls of Hogwarts not too long ago. Perhaps it was the adrenaline coupled with the alcohol circulating in her system, but oh, did she enjoy it. Hell, his anger was even turning her on.

He grits his teeth, "I waited an hour only to find you inebriated and loitering around Malfoy's mini-museum."

She raised her eyebrows. That wasn't the answer she wanted. Try again. "You asked me to be your date. Not your babysitter. Surely you can manage on your own."

That seemed to tick him off.

"Precisely. I asked you to be with me, yet there you were cavorting with none other than Theodore Nott," he spat Theo's name with disgust, rage bubbling like tar in his veins, eyes flashing with something she can't place.

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