XVIII. Step Two

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Violet got ready for the day, smoothing out her hair and the wrinkles on her uniform. She let out a sigh, putting on her game face before leaving her dorm. As soon as she stepped foot in the common room, several heads turned her way, murmuring secrets to each other. How odd, yet she paid it no mind. She was used to people gossiping about her anyway. Being a Lestrange has its perks and cons.

She hurried her way to her first class, clutching her books tightly to her chest. More and more students looked at her, hushed whispers buzzing in the hallways like a swarm of mosquitoes. Finally, she saw a familiar blonde and brunette bounding towards her, Pansy and Daphne.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Pansy exclaimed, pulling her towards the nearest empty hall. "We have a problem." She looked at Daphne for help.

"Okay, before I tell you, I swear it wasn't us," the blonde girl said slowly, worry creasing her forehead.

"What is it? Just tell me already!" Violet was growing impatient, desperate to know what it was that got her friends worried.

"Word got out that you're engaged to Mattheo," Pansy finally said, "everyone has been talking about it."

Violet froze for a second, her heart beating in her chest. "How?" her voice came out in a croak, "Are you certain you never told anyone?"

"We'd never do that to you, Violet!" Daphne exclaimed, looking hurt by her accusation.

"But how? You two were the only ones who—" She paused, an imaginary lightbulb flickering above her head. "Theodore."

She left her friends in haste, anger emanating from her. "Violet, wait!!" Daphne and Pansy shouted, sprinting to catch up to her.

She searched the halls for curly brown locks. The students were parting for her, avoiding her like a plague. Some looked in awe, while most had distaste and fear in their eyes.

A distant shouting caught her attention. "Hurry, Riddle and Nott are fighting!" A random student yelled, dragging his friends towards the hall to their left, where other people were huddled in a circle. From her place, she could see two tall figures in the middle. She squeezed past the onlookers, making her way towards the front.

She saw Mattheo throw a punch at Theodore, his knuckles connecting with the latter's jaw. Theodore tumbled backward from the impact, swiping at the blood trailing down his nose. "Won't you tell them, Riddle, that you're bedding that Lestrange whore." Theodore spat, his tone laced with venom.

Violet's blood heart dropped, her spine straightening at his words. She was in shock, she couldn't believe what she had heard.

Mattheo gripped Theodore's collar, "You're pathetic, Nott." He threw another punch. A sickening crunch could be heard. "Couldn't get the girl, now you're acting like a little bitch." Another punch followed by another, then another.

"Someone call Professor Snape!!" She heard Daphne yell from the back.

Theodore wasn't even resisting. He was just smiling up at him, blood staining his teeth.

He was about to throw another punch when Violet took a step forward, "That's enough, Mattheo." Her voice was sharp and firm, resounding across the hall. The two boys whipped their heads at her, Mattheo loosening the grip he had on Theodore's collar.

"Come on, Violet." Mattheo dropped his hold on the boy, moving towards Violet. He grabbed her arm, intent on leading her away from the crowd. "No, I need to speak to him." Violet countered, pulling her arm away from his clutches. "But Vi—" She gave him a pointed look, and he immediately knew what she meant. He frowned.

Matheo turned towards the crowd, "Everyone, mind your own fucking business." He demands. With that, they dispersed rapidly.

"Violet," Theodore  stood up, pleading, "I'm so—"


"You don't get to apologize!" she shoved him forcefully, running as fast away from him with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Daphne and Pansy hurried after her.

Mattheo grabbed Theodore's collar once again, pushing him towards the wall. "If you ever hurt her again, Nott. I will kill you." He said darkly before turning away and running after Violet.

Violet locked herself in her room, ignoring the incessant pounding of her friends and Mattheo. "Leave me alone," she croaked out. "Please."

"Violet." Mattheo tried once again. "Let me in."

She thought for a second, weighing her options. She could hide in here and shut him out, or she could put on a show of being vulnerable. The latter would get his sympathy, and that was her goal.

She stood up, slowly making her way to her door. She opened it to see Mattheo's brows furrowed, worry evident on his face. As soon as he saw her face, he pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. Tension dropped from his shoulders as soon as he felt her warmth. The smell of her shampoo a comforting scent.

Violet sobbed in his arms, burrowing her face under his chin. She could feel her tears dampening his uniform. "It's okay. I'm here." Mattheo whispered, soothing circles on her back.

She fought a smile. He was right where she wanted him to be.

Second step: gain his sympathy.

Thank you, Theodore, for making this easier. Now that the whole Hogwarts know she's betrothed to Mattheo, they will fear her too. And with fear comes power.

It's time for her to be the villain of this story.

**Authors note:

Things will be moving faster from this point. Expect a steamy scene soon ;)

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