X. Compensation

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"Rabastan," she said in disbelief, "What are you doing here?"

"To watch you play?" He answered as if it was common knowledge, "You didn't tell me you had a match today." He frowned at her.

"I thought you weren't interested..." Violet mumbled, "You never watch my games."

"Because you never tell me when," he said defensively, arms folding over his chest. "If Riddle hadn't informed me, I wouldn't have known."

Violet couldn't contain the smile that spread on her face, elated at seeing her favorite brother in one of her games. She was the closest to Rabastan, who often saved her from Rodolphus' cruel jokes. Although Rabastan was quite a mischief himself, he had never hurt her.

She gave her brother a hug, internally thanking Riddle for this heartwarming moment. "You know I'd never pass up the chance to watch my little sis beat some Gryffindor arse," he chuckled heartily, patting her hair.

"Now," he pulled back, shooting her a grin, "I think you should drop by the infirmary."

As soon as she had reached the hospital wing, she was greeted with the sight of Mattheo laying on one of the beds. His torso was wrapped in bandages and his arm rested on a sling. "Oh my god," he looked awful.

His head shot up at the sound, a grin tugging at his lips when he saw her, "I know I'm great at quidditch, but to call me a god is a bit dramatic, don't you think?"

"You're unbelievable," she muttered under her breath, bewildered that he could still find humor with half of his body broken. "You could've died!"

"Hey, at least we won." He sat up slowly, wincing in pain as he settled his back on the headboard.

"And how are you feeling?" She flinched at her own stupidity, regretting the question she had just asked.

"Quite lovely. I just fractured my whole torso," he said sarcastically, earning a glare from her. "But Madam Pomfrey gave me a few of those nasty potions," his nose scrunched up at the lingering taste of the bitter liquid the matron had forced on him, "So I'm good as new."

"Good," Violet nodded, standing awkwardly by the edge of his bed. "Congratulations by the way, we wouldn't have won without you."

"Or you," he gestured at her, "You did great."

"Only because of luck," she said with a bashful smile, "You shouldn't have."

"Shouldn't have what?" Asked Mattheo innocently, "I didn't do anything, flower."

"You spiked my drink with the vial," She whispered in confusion, looking around for any keen ears.

"But I didn't," he reached into his pocket, holding the tiny vial of liquid luck, untouched and unopened. "That was your own doing. You're a great player, Violet. I just wanted to mess with you," he said with a wink.

"You sneaky little snake!" She shook her head at the compliment, giving him a genuine smile, "Thank you."

A brow raised at her in question, his head tilting slightly. For once, she had given him an appreciative smile, dissimilar from the scowl that usually haunted her lips when she was talking to him. "For telling my brother about the match and for boosting my ego. I owe you one."

"Well then, i'd like to ask for compensation now."

"What is it?"

"The Malfoys are holding a Christmas ball soon, I'd like for you to accompany me."

"Oh," the request caught her off guard, she was expecting a silly dare or an impossible task. Not a date to a ball. "S-sure"

Violet was always invited to the galas the Malfoys hosted, but she never attended any of it, the pretentiousness of the guests and the glamour of it all were too much for her. She'd rather laze around their manor surrounded by her cats and owls.

"One more thing," he reached towards the bed-side table with his free hand, opening the drawer as he fished out a spherical object, its golden sheen catching the light.

The golden snitch.

He held it before her, twirling the object around between his fingers. "Keep this for me."

Violet stalled for a while, staring at him with a puzzled look on her face. With his encouraging nod, she took the snitch from him, pocketing the sphere carefully. Before she could question his demands Madam Pomfrey called out to her, claiming visitors weren't allowed and that her patient needed to rest.

Violet cleared her throat, shifting in her spot awkwardly, "Right. Get well soon, Mattheo."

With nothing else to do, she made her way to the common room, ignoring her peers who were magically decorating the room for the celebratory party later. She hurried towards her dorm, avoiding the sight of her friends and teammates.

By the time she had showered and changed into her pajamas, fatigue from today's game washed over her. Her soft bed calling out to her in a lullaby. She flipped her blanket, ready to slide beneath its warmth when something fell on the ground with a sharp clank.

Groaning in annoyance, she blindly patted the ground in search for the object, the cold metal touching her palm, it was the golden snitch Mattheo had given her.

She peered at it again, marveling at its beauty when an inscription caught her attention.

"Alea iacta est"

The die has been cast

And just like the conundrum that he is, he left her with a riddle.

*** Note ****

I can't believe we're 10 chapters in! Chapters 9 and 10 were supposed to be one long chapter but I figured it might seem too dragging. Anyway, two chapters for everyone today since I'll be leaving for a quick little vacation hehe.

Also, it brings me joy and butterflies to see all your comments :-) I apologize for any grammatical mistakes or confusing lines as English is not my first language.

Stay safe everyone xx

P.S ; let's pretend Rabastan is the nice brother in this story.

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