XV. Lilacs & Violets

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White. All Violet could see from where she sat was white. The snowflakes falling outside resembled the pearls on her mother's neck, and it seemed to continuously fall and fall until it formed a white ocean that surrounded their manor.

She sighed, her breath forming a fog on their windowpane. It was a busy day today and a weird one too. This morning, her father suggested celebrating Christmas Eve, such a rare request that the rest of the family stared at the old man as if he grew two more heads a la Cerberus. Although, that could be possible since he acted like a lapdog to Voldemort anyway.

Father requesting a family reunion is not good news, and that could only mean two things. One, he's disappointed in one of his children, and he'll be using this little dinner to ask them a favor as compensation. Two, he's proud of one of his children, and he'll be using this little dinner to ask them a favor as a "reward."

And she knew exactly what that favor would be.

"Violet, there you are!" Rabastan huffed, entering their drawing room hurriedly. He looked like a mess. His hair was ruffled, his tie loosely hanging on his neck like a noose, and his dress shirt buttoned haphazardly.

"Yes, I am here, Rabastan." She deadpanned, closing the forgotten book on her lap as she leaned on the headrest of the couch.

One, two, three....

"Well, don't just look at me! Which suit is nicer? The green one or the purple one?" He asked, shoving two velvet suits in her face, modeling each one like the narcissist that he is. For a moment, he resembled Pansy.

"Salazar," she whispered under her breath, used to his antics, "Uhm, the green one?"

He scoffed while rolling his eyes, clearly not pleased with her answer, "How predictable! I'm surprised Mattheo isn't bored of you yet."

"H-hey!" She spluttered, sitting up a bit too stiffly to go unnoticed. Her little rendezvous with the raven-haired boy resurfacing from the depths of her brain and flooding her cheeks an embarrassing color of pink.

"Well, well, well. Would you look at that, Virgin Mary finally getting some action. Congratulations!" Rabastan mocked, giving a firm slap on her shoulder. "I'm proud of you, my dear sister." He peered down at her, his grin stretching like a Cheshire Cat.

At this point, she was sure her whole face resembled the lobster on their dinner table. She shoved his hand away, "We didn't—and I'm not a Vi—"

"Hush hush, little sister, I don't want to hear those details." He grimaced, chucking the green suit to her face. "Oh, and I'm wearing the purple one." And with that, he was walking away, leaving her to drown in embarrassment.

Fuck. Thank Dumbledore for Christmas Break. How could she show her face to Mattheo after what had happened. Just the mere thought of it made her cringe, "It was a moment of weakness, yes, yes, a moment of weakness and pure idiocy." She mumbled to herself. And how dare he speak of me like property! "I don't like sharing? Am I supposed to swoon over that?" Stupid boy with that stupid curly hair and stupid fucking face!

A face that was in between your legs the last time you saw each other. "Fuck". Yes, you two were close to fucking—"SHUT UP!"

"I didn't say anything?"

"Rabastan, get the fuck—Oh Merlin."

She was 10 seconds away from grabbing her wand and pointing it to her neck.

"What on earth are you doing here?" She asked, her head falling against the soft cushion. The fight and confidence leaving her body as she exhaled dramatically.

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