Chapter 28: Ears Pierced

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Vexi's P.O.V

Our birthday is tomorrow and Perrie decided she didn't want her girls in pain on there birthday, so were getting our ears pierced today. I'm really excited but I have a low pain tolerance, so I might be a baby about it.

"Pick out the earrings you want" Perrie instructs us.

"Remember, you can't take them out for about six weeks" the girl who was going to pierce our eyes, Nadine, reminded us.

We nodded and looked at the rack of stud earrings. Kyra picked out a light blue pair, Letty choose the green and I got the red. They were simple but it's our first pair and you have to start with studs.

"I'm gonna take a before and after shot" Perrie informed us.

Even though Zayn and Perrie didn't get to experience a lot of our first that parents write in baby books, they get to experience different firsts. Perrie's already decided she'd documenting it all, she even took a photo of Kyra the day she first spoke after her throat infection.

Perrie pressed the button on her phone to take a picture of the three of us as the before shot. Nadine took us into the back room where they do all the piercings and waxing. She sat Letty down first and cleaned her earlobes with an antiseptic wipe. She then got a pencil and drew a dot on both ears to get it correct.

Kyra looked away, probably afraid she'd back out if she watched. Never the less, I watched. Letty flinched the lightest bit when the first ear was done. By the second, the pain didn't bother her that much. Nadine sprayed them, back and front, with the antiseptic spray that we each got to take home.

I was next and as she prepared the gun, I motioned for Perrie to come closer. She knelt down, beside me, on the side of the ear that wasn't being done.

"Your gonna hold my hand, right?" I outreached my hand for her to take.

"Sure. I remember when I got my ears pierced. Apparently I cried before it even happened. I think I blocked it out intentionally, I'm usually tougher than that" Perrie continued to talk to me as Nadine prepared the gun against my earlobe.

I squeezed Perrie's hand for a second as the earring pierced through my lobe. I sighed in relief, it wasn't that bad. My next one was over quickly and hurt even less then the first.

Kyra sat down in the chair next and held Perrie's hand also. She's never been to good with pain either, emotional pain was fine, but physical? Forget about it.

"Ow" she whimpered quietly as the first went through.

"It's ok" Perrie assured her. "I tell you what, don't get a piercing on the back of your neck. That one hurt more than my ears"

The last earring went through and Kyra didn't make a sound at all. She just closed her eyes through the whole thing and grasped onto Perrie's hand. I wonder how we'll be with childbirth? Letty will probably swear a few times but Kyra and I will most likely be all dramatic and cry and scream a lot.

"All done. Remember to spray them everyday for a few weeks and do it a few more times this afternoon. They'll probably hurt tonight and be a little inflamed but it'll go down" Nadine explains.

"What do you say girls?" Perrie asked after she payed Nadine.

"Thank you" we said in unison.


Zayn walked through the front door at around five that night. He spent the whole day at rehearsals for his tour. Perrie had finished her rehearsals and gets time off until we leave, which is only two weeks from now. Zayn leaves in a weeks time, which is kind of sad because it will be the first of many whole days that we'll be apart.

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