Chapter 14: Welcome Back

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Kyra's P.O.V

I woke up to the bright sun, streaming in through my window. I groaned and covered my head with a pillow to get more sleep. That clearly didn't work when I heard a pan drop down stairs.

I sat up and looked around my room. Prada was now at the end of my bed, watching me. My mind began to recount the events of yesterday, from the moment I first saw Miranda with everyone, to say goodnight to Zayn and Perrie. I smiled to myself.

After a few minutes I looked at my bedside table, in search for the time. My bright pink alarm clock was flashing brightly. It took me a few seconds to finally see the time as my eyes need to adjusting to the brightness. 8.47 am. I must have been tied cause usually I'm up by eight, but that's usually because we had our own personal alarm, Miranda. I decided it was best to just get up.

Still in my pyjamas, I made my way out of my room, past my sisters closed doors and walked down stairs with Prada in my arms. Still sleepy, I stumbled into the kitchen.

I let Prada down from my arms and she immediately ran to her food bowl. Hatchi yelped from the floor wanting attention so I pat his head a couple of times.

Zayn and Perrie acknowledge my presence with a "Good morning Ky", that sounded way too cheerful for the first thing in the morning. Zayn kisses my forehead and returns to his cooking. I sit down at one of the bar stools that surrounds the kitchen island.

"Morning" I mumble, my voice scratchy and sore.

Both Perrie and Zayn turn my way quickly with eyes open wide. My head was down and it took me a minute to realise they were staring at me. When I looked up, neither of them blinked.

"What?" I croak, confused.

"You're talking" Perrie said as of it were the most obvious thing in the world.

It took me a few seconds to remember why she was so surprised.

"Oh right" I rolled my eyes at myself.

Zayn laughed in response and asked "You feeling better today?"

"Um... Enough to talk slightly but my throat still hurts to swallow and talk and that" I almost whisper, trying not to strain my voice.

I don't want to loose it again.

"Sounds sore. How about I make you a cup of tea to soothe your throat?" Perrie asked already switching on the jug.

"Yes please" I said a bit more cheerfully then previously, but still equally as rough.

We made small talk for a little while, then Perrie handed me my mug. I hummed in pleasure as the warm liquid slipped down my throat, creating a very soothing effect. She smiled brightly as I continued to sip.

"So where are your sister? Still sleeping?" Zayn asked.

I swallowed my tea and said "No, they're defiantly awake. I heard shuffling in their room on my way down".

"Do you wanna run up and get them?" He asked.

"No need" I replied.

They both raised their eyebrows at me. I smiled and pointed behind me and waited for the sound of footsteps. Seconds later, footsteps were heard.

Zayn and Perrie greeted the girls, the same way they did me. Letty and Vex kissed my check and sat down next to me.

"How'd ya do that?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know. Being around them my whole life, we can like feel each other's presences" I respond.

"Well, welcome back to the land of speaking" Vex nudged me playfully.

"You feel each other?" Zayn look confusedly towards Perrie, her mirroring his expression.

"I don't know how to explain it, but being around each other our whole life, we know each other's better than we know ourselves" I tried to explain further.

"Ok...maybe that's something I'm never gonna understand" Zayn laughs at himself.

"Probably not. No one so far has understood, so I wouldn't hold your breath" Letty comments.

"What are we doing today?" Vex asked.

"We were thinking that for the next few days we just hang out as a family, then next week we introduce you to our families and the world" Perrie said, saying world a bit dramatically.

"Sounds good" the three of us smile at each other in response.

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