Chapter 19: Letty's Past

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Vexi's P.O.V

One day ago we meet the Simon Cowell and in one day from now we meet Ellen DeGeneres, but today we face the most nerve-wracking of them all. The family.

Zayn and Perrie have organised for us all to meet at some low-profile restaurant in London. Apparently they are all in town, really excited to meet us and are staying until our birthdays. They're all staying in the same hotel, which is about half an hours drive from our house.

Zayn's and Perrie are really excited and are telling us stories about each person and all these things that are hard to process due to the amount of information we are receiving. Zayn hasn't stopped gushing about his parents, Yaser and Patricia, and his older sister, Doniya, and two little sisters, Waliyha and Safaa.

Who would ever think that someone as tough looking as Zayn could be so sweet, caring and sensitive towards his family. Family seems to be a very important thing to him, and he wants us to be a little more comfortable meeting with them by knowing certain things about them.

Perrie's been the same too. She explained that her parents, Alexander and Deborah, are separated and how her brother Jonnie and herself became closer because of it. She even said that the way us girls are towards each other, reminds her of how she use to be with her brother. I can still see the smile she had on her face when saying this as she looked off into space, daydreaming about the times she spent with her brother.

It's interesting to see how different both their families are, but also how through the stories they've told us, you can see how their families influence them, even today as adults. It makes me wonder how much of an influence Zayn and Perrie will be on us in ten years time.

We're seated in the kitchen on the bar stools as Perrie and Zayn make sure they have snakes and marshmallows for when everyone comes around later tonight for a bonfire in the backyard. The bands are coming, as well as Zayn and Perrie's family, who I think I should start calling my family too. Maybe I will wait till after dinner tonight.

It doesn't feel right yet. This whole thing is still really new and it's only been almost two weeks. I feel that Letty feels distant from Zayn and Perrie and I can't help but feel distant too. We've been hurt all our lives and I don't want anything to happen that might cause us pain again. At least when we were at the orphanage, we could only be hurt by each other, although in mostly a playful manner.

I fear that Kyra's becoming too attached to them, or at least is become attached too quickly. It's hard to fast track something like this and get it right, but I think Kyra just longs for a parent-daughter relationship with soembody, or anybody. I don't blame her though. I want the same but I'm more cautious with opening up.

"We've got two hours before we have to be at the restaurant, so I'm gonna go get ready" I say jumping of the bar stool.

"Me too" Letty chimes, following my actions and heading towards the stairs.

"I laid out an outfit for the three of you on your beds" Perrie tell us, closing the fridge door.

"Thank you" both Letty and I say as we rush up the stairs.

Perrie's P.O.V

I watch the two run up and stairs and disappear into the hall. I can't help but feel distant from those two. I don't know what it is, but they're not as open as Kyra is. Jade said that Kyra is just more open cause she's the most vulnerable being the youngest.

I know Letty takes it upon herself to act tougher for her sisters sake and she has built up this walls to block showing any emotion towards anyone other than the people she has known her whole life. I understand her role as oldest sister made her this way, but I wish she would open up more.

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