Chapter 10: Taking Them Home

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Zayn's P.O.V

After about half an hour of talking with the girls, laughing at jokes and learning more about them, its time to tell them they're getting adopted. I'm really excited to tell them and see their reactions. I really can't wait to take them home and show them their rooms. But what I'm most excited for is that fact the in the next half hour, we're gonna be a family.

I can feel Perrie get excited next to me. I slide my hand into hers and entwine our fingers and squeezed them gently.

"Girls, I think Perrie and Zayn have something to tell you" Miranda nodded towards us, giving an encouraging smile.

I breathed in deeply and my nerves began to surface. Everyone's attention was on us and the girls waited patiently with wide eyes. I don't think they're expecting it and we haven't exactly dropped any hints about it. This is gonna be a huge surprise.

Perrie looked at me asking silently if she could tell them. I nodded in approval. Harry had his phone out and I could see him filming the scene about to be played out.

"We'd want to adopt the three of you" Perrie said in a calming tone.

Immediately the girls reacted. The three of them were standing in a second, Kyra practically fell as Vexi pushed her off to jump up.

"What?" The girls screamed in unison, but Kyra mouthed after regaining her posture, with Vexi's help.

"We want to adopt you" I repeated.

Letty turned to Miranda and pointed her finger in a warning manner, "Miranda this is a sick joke that you're trying to pull".

"It's not a joke girls. They really want to adopt you, all of you" she said calm and clearly to them.

The girls turned back to us, their faces still as shocked as before. I could see Kyra's mouth start to turn into a slight smile. The other two were still trying to comprehend.

Vexi was the first to break the half amused half confused silence, "Um... Are you crazy? I mean one orphan is a lot but three is you're setting ourselves up to fail".

Everyone but her sisters just laughter at her.

"We're a big handful" she tried again. Letty nodded in agreement. "We....we....we.... Are you serious?" Vexi gave up.

"Sure are. And the more you talk, the more you're convincing us even though it's not your intention" I said in amusingly.

"We're getting adopted" She asked quietly.

Everyone nodded their heads.

"We're getting adopted!" She squeals.

Everyone bursts out laughing again.

Vexi grabbed her sisters in a hug and I could see their smiles. I wrapped my arm around Perrie and looked around the room as everyone watched the girls. Pure joy was in the air and I caught the eyes of Harry. He stuck up one thumb as the other hand was still recording. I smiled so big, my cheeks were hurting but I couldn't care less.

In the next few moments, Vexi had grabbed hold of the back of Kyra's thighs and picked her up. Ky was now wrapped around Vex in a hug, that resembled a baby koala clinging to it mother. Vexi turned around and brought Leticia into the hug to.

All we could see now was Vexi's and Letty's back, and Kyra's head hidden in the crock of Vexi's neck. The girls were completely overjoyed and shocked but they've been waiting for this for a long time and they deserve everything they're about to get.

Kyra lifted her head slightly so we could see her face. A small, shy smile creeped onto her face as she saw Perrie and I watching her sister and herself with pure happiness.

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