Sounia (DR Ship)

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OH WELL Souda song do be playing so guess I'm writing this now.

Kazuichi x Sonia. If I have to be honest, I can only see this working while they're all under the influence of dispair, considering that Sonia doesn't enjoy Souda's advance, and thus would keep him around.

I think I would actually agree with the fact that Souda would loose interest in Sonia if they were to date anyway. He's not the best at dealing with his romantic feelings, that much is extremely obvious, and I can't say I support the idea of those two actually being a thing. In fact, I'm sort of surprised it's shipped in the first place, but then again, everything is a ship. You know though, if Kazuichi wasn't with his feelings towards Sonia, they might actually be able to get along. If Souda actually bothered to take interest and pay attention to anything about her other than her looks. Actually...don't think it would work that far with them, but could be friends at least. Maybe. Souda's a hard one with these things.

My Rating: 🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑
My favourite idea for ROD Souda but would never work otherwise. Kazuichi, please. Get some help dealing with this stuff.

Also someone please tell me that they too can see "Anytime You Smile" by JT Music as Remenant Souda and Sonia. Please? I thought it was a cool idea...
Don't blame me, it was on a character playlist for Souda I found!

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