Chapter 7: Friend Vs. Enemy.

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I woke up feeling tired. Renji was laying next to me in his cat form. I brushed my hand against his soft brown fur. Renji's eyes open slowly and looked at me with a smile. "Good morning Master!" I smiled at his cheerful greeting. Renji crawled off the bed and stood on the floor as he slowly turned into his human form.

"I'm gonna go make you some breakfast."

Renji skipped out of the room. He's happy again. I'm so glad that he's okay now. Hear the doorbell ring and I tossed the sheets off of me. Hang on! I'm still in the Princess outfit! I blush in embarrassment, took the outfit off and changed into a pair of pants and a white shirt. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was a man dressed in a dark blue uniform. He greeted me with a smile.

"Letter for Renji Mercy."

I took the letter and bowed as a thank you. I closed the door and walked into the kitchen with the letter. "Hey Renji... It's a letter for you." Renji looks at me. "Who's it from?" "Doesn't say." Renji walked over to me and took the letter. Using a knife, he opened the envelope and took out a letter. Renji's face gone from smiling to serious in a few seconds. I speak to him in a worried tone. "Renji... Is everything okay?" He hands me the letter. I read it out loud.

"So you go by Renji now Huh? That won't matter when I come back. You think you will stop me from getting Kenny? Then think again. I get released him jail in 3 days and when I get out, I'll make share you all your 9 lives are gone and I'll be taking Kenny too. Just wait cat boy... Prepare yourself..."

It's from Alvin! I looked at Renji and spoke in a panicked voice. "What will we do if he comes back?!" Renji hugs me and looks into my eyes. "He won't. Nothing will happen to you." Renji slowly let me go and goes back to cooking breakfast. I'm worried what if Renji gets hurt or worse? I walk into the bathroom, quickly washed myself up and dressed up in my uniform. It's Friday, so I have school. I walked into the kitchen and kissed Renji's cheek. "Renji, I'm heading to school now." I left the kitchen and went out the front door, heading to school.

The school day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be this time. It was still a bit boring but it was okay. It was around 5:30pm. I had to stay over at school because I was stuck with cleaning duty for three different classrooms. Since it's November, the sky was dark and the cloud blocked the moon light. As I walked home, I heard foot steps behind me. That's odd... No one takes this route but me. I ignored it and kept walking. The footsteps started to get louder. I turn around in a panic.

"Who's there?!"

No one was there. That's impossible... I heard footsteps. I began to walk home again, but the footsteps started to follow me again. Fear begin to swallow up in my body and I begin to run home. The footsteps follow behind me and I run faster. This is terrifying! Someone's following me and I can't see who. As I ran faster, the person tackles me down onto the concrete floor.

"AH!!! Let me go! Let me go!!!"

I struggle and squirm. Just as I try to escape, the person bashed me against the head with something hard. My vision goes black and I stop moving.


I woke up tired and dizzy. I don't feel so good. I grasped my head. "Ugh... What happened?" I looked around to check my surrounds. The walls were made of huge stone bricks and the floor was concrete and cold. I force my weary body to stand up and I try to walk around, but something pulls my arms back.

"What the hell? What is this?"

I look at my hands and see shackles around it. What's this? I look at the shackles and see chains on it leading to the wall. I'm chained to the wall?! How did I get here?! How am I chained?! "So you finally woke up." I heard a voice out of nowhere. "I'm glad you woke up. I was beginning to think I killed you with that blow." Where is that voice coming from?!

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