Chapter 3: The Long Weekend (cont~)

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I was on my computer, finishing a report I had to do for homework. Out of curiosity and boredom, I turned my computer chair around and faced Renji, who was behind me. Still in his human form, he was running around in circles chasing his tail. He looks so stupid it's actually really cute, he's like a new born puppy. Renji stops what he's doing and looks my way, with a soft smile. The blood in my face turned my cheeks rosey red. Out of embarrassment, I look away from him and continue my report. Lost in my own state of mind, Renji creeps up behind me and yells in my ear.

"Hey Master, what are you doing?!"

The sudden surprise of his scream caused me to fall off my chair and onto the fall. Renji walked over to me with a worried look. "Are you alright Master?"

I yelled at him in unexcepted anger. "Stop surpising me like that!"

Renji waved his tail around and licked the tip of my nose as he purred gently into my chest. Damnit... It's really hard to stay mad at him when he clearly acts like nothing is wrong. I embraced Renji with a gentle hug and felt him tremble a bit. Is he okay? I looked at his body and saw that he was shivering. Oh yea! He doesn't have any clothes to wear nor did I buy any supplies for him.

"Renji, we're going shopping today." I said out of excitement.

He threw me me a questionable look and then spoke in confusion. "What's shopping?" I gave him a look that shows I was trying to say are you serious? I told him what shopping is with my voice full of excitement. "Shopping is when you go out to buy all the new things you need or really want and I really want to buy you some new clothes and accessories" My excitement grew wild similar to a girl buying new shoes that were on sale. I walked into my room and got dressed in my best clothes. Oh wait! what is Renji suppose to wear? I tore apart my dressers and closet, looking for something that could fit him, since he is a bit taller and bigger than me.

I found a pair of old of jeans and a sweater that couldn't fit me because I was so small. As quickly as I could, I dressed Renji in the clothes, walked out of the house, locked the door behind me and rushed to the shopping distract as fast as I could. Renji's face was full of fear and confusion. Has he never been to a shopping distract before? As we walked, people started to stare at Renji and I like we were aliens from a different planet. Why do they keep staring at us? I turned my head to Renji out of confusion and saw his tail waving around. In shock of sudden fear, I grabbed Renji and pulled him to a clothing store. I threw him and myself into a fitting room and whispered in shock.

"Renji! you can't just have your tail out in public. Do you want the police to take you away from me?!"

Renji looked at me very confused. "What do you mean by take me away from you?" I decide to explain to him why. "Renji, as you already know, the world is cruel and cold. If the wrong set of people see your cat ears and tail, they'll take you away and do painful experiments on you" Renji still looked confused. I explained once again. "The bad people will take you to a lab and chop you up to see how you were born with cat ears and a tail." At first Renji still had a confused look then his face twisted up in sudden shock,

"Won't they care if I'm hurt?!"

I shook my head no. Renji grabbed my waist with all his might and started to cry loudly. "Don't let them take me away Master!" I force Renji to quiet down. "Shhh! Okay! I won't let the bad people take you but to avoid any suspicion, I should buy you some clothes that will make you look normal. Stay in here and don't leave. I'll be quick." I left the fitting room and walked over to the section of the store that selled male clothing. I grabbed a bunch of styles and walked back of to the fitting room Renji was in.

"Okay Renji, try these on." I silpped the clothes over the door and Renji took them and slowly tried it on.

I waited at the door for a few minutes and heard the door of the fitting room creak open. Renji walked out in a red t-shirt, a black sweater and jeans, black and red sneakers and a chain belt hanging off his jeans. Renji twirled around like a princess, showing off his clothes to me. Excitement swelled up in my body and I jumped up and down like an excited girl. "It looks great on you! Oh I know!" I ran over the the jewelry section and grabbed a black spiky collar and a pair of headphones. I rushed over to Renji with the collar and headphones

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