Part 22

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3rd January 2020

"I am glad you're happy Abs" talia whispered bring Abi into hug while everyone was saying bye and the the group getting noticed their good byes and meeting a few fans. Which means Harry and Abi couldn't be how they wanted because well Harry felt like it would be best if his fans didn't know yet and Abi didn't have a problem, they were his fans. 

"see you later" Harry said to the boys walking to Abi  

"bye" Abi said awkwardly doing a little wave with making Harry chuckle

"look who is being awkward now" Harry laughed "what do you mean byee?" Harry doing the little way as well for Abi to slap his hand "I'm staying by your side all the time. I have told you this like three times"

"I don't think you're serious about that" Abi said "because no body can stay with me for 24/7 trust me. Wait until you see ruby she is crazy."

"shut up" Harry putting his arm around her shoulder "it is an arm over a shoulder no one is going to say anything"

"no because if your arms slip passed each other and you're a boy and a girl it means you're dating." Abi explained "you just can't help but be near me"

"you clocked it finally" Harry claps 

"I am going home see ya later" Abi waved 

"I going with you then" Harry said going back to his awkward self because of the fans pointing at him.


"honeyyy! I'm home!" Abi shouted into the flat while Harry was behind her 

"hi Oh MY God! what what happened to your eye" Ruby said coming straight over putting Abi's face up to look at her "did he do that" Ruby questioned pointing to harry. Abi was still shock she could say something like that 

"what no I didn't" Harry knowing this would happen

"well how does she have a black eye after being with you all week" Ruby asked

"I didn't do that to her!"

"who has then because I can only think it could be you" Ruby pointed 

"Ruby Ruby Ruby" Abi mumbled under her breath while she was rumbling her temps "it wasn't him!" Abi said "I got hit with a frisbee dipshit" Abi hitting her around the back of the head. Ruby's eyes went wide looking at Harry 

"I-I'm so sorry I well you understand it is bit you know" Ruby says fast realizing what she had just said

"it's fine" Harry brushing it off 

"I am sorry really" Ruby said again

"crazy" Abi showed Harry making him laugh a little

"what " Ruby questioned Abi just ignored her leading Harry to the kitchen 

"I told you people were going to think it was me" Harry said 

"that's Ruby she my best friend and I am surprised she didn't kill you then and there because normally you would be out the door and I wouldn't be the only person with a black eye. So at least that means she likes you" Abi laughed Harry just looked at her in disbelieve "trust me okay your good she will forget about it in like 10 minutes. she's a gold fish always forgetting things"

"so like you then" Harry grinned

"I let that one slide Lewis" Abi warned 

"so when are we getting Minnie again" Ruby asked

"friday" Abi answered

"do I have to come with you because I don't want to see my sister's new kid it is ugly" Ruby shivered

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